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GSA Region 4 Customer Accounts and Research (CAR) Partners with the Small Business Administration (SBA) to Assist 8(a) and Small Business Owners

On January 27, 2016, GSA’s Region 4 Customer Service Director Laticia Little supported the Small Business Administration in Jacksonville Florida. Laticia hosted multiple GSA training courses geared towards informing 8(a) and Small business owners on the benefits of becoming a GSA schedule holder. The attendees took away valuable knowledge on government contracting; such as (1) What a GSA Schedule contract is, (2) The process of obtaining a GSA Schedule, (3) What the qualifications are to obtain a GSA Schedule, and (4) Where to locate the GSA Schedule solicitation.

SBA Business Development Specialist, Tisa Clark, stated that this was one her most well attended events. She stated a second session had to be added because of the overwhelming response by industry for the event. Over 25 businesses were represented across various industries, including Environmental/Hazmat, janitorial services, marketing, security services and photography.

GSA is committed to helping vendors succeed in the government marketplace. Ultimately, pursuing a GSA Schedule is a business decision and is not guaranteed work. Things to consider are: What are you going to do with the GSA Schedule once you have it? Are you going to market to the Federal government? Is your product/service currently being purchased by the Federal government? All of these questions and more need to be considered. GSA has a number of resources available to you. These resources can aid you in your decision whether a GSA Schedule is right for you.
