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GSA Updates Reimbursable Work Authorization (RWA) Form

KANSAS CITY, MO — A new Reimbursable Work Authorization form was released in September. The old form is no longer valid, meaning customer agencies must now use the updated form.

An RWA form provides written documentation of a formal agreement between GSA and a customer whereby GSA agrees to provide goods and/or services, and the customer agrees to reimburse GSA’s direct and indirect costs.

eRETA Pilot

GSA is currently in the second phase of the external RWA Entry & Tracking Application, or eRETA, pilot. Through eRETA, agencies can request RWAs online instead of on paper. Thank you to the following customers who already have employees participating in the pilot:

  • Social Security Administration
  • Department of State
  • Department of Homeland Security, Headquarters
  • DHS Citizenship and Immigration Services
  • Department of Justice
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation

System testing started in April 2016 and the Heartland Region was the first region in the nation to receive an RWA through eRETA.

Visit GSA’s RWA website for more information, policies and guidance.