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Climate Friendly Fleet Saves Money and Drives Economic Demand

Green Image with a small car wrapped in an electric cord with plug

Going green saves green. And that’s just one of many reasons the General Services Administration’s (GSA) use of zero emission vehicles is expanding. Not only do electric vehicles (EV) reduce emissions and greenhouse gases that negatively impact the environment, they also use approximately 60% less on fuel compared to internal combustion engine vehicles. Given the rising costs of fuel, this savings adds up quickly for the American taxpayer.

And that’s not all. The President recently set a federal acquisition goal of only purchasing zero emission light-duty vehicles by 2027, with all vehicle purchases being 100 percent zero emission by 2035. Since GSA is the mandatory source for non-tactical vehicles and the preferred source for leasing motor vehicle solutions in the federal government, our procurement power also drives economic demand for EVs.

In support of the transition to a climate friendly fleet, GSA is working behind the scenes in federal parking garages across the county to install EV charging stations. The success of the new fleet depends on the ease and availability of these station so GSA has a program is in place to meet the new demand. In fact, the Greater Southwest Region will soon begin its first install at the Federal Parking Garage in Fort Worth, Texas. Upon completion, 16 spaces will be available for GSA and its customers.

New stations are being installed throughout the region with the expectation that the number of installations will increase as the EV fleet grows. To learn more visit GSA’s Climate Action and Sustainability/Fast Forward Fleet.