1. Purpose.
The purpose of this revision to the Reimbursable Work Authorizations National Policy Manual (RWA NPM) is to update the Public Buildings Service’s (PBS) policies regarding Reimbursable Work Authorizations (RWAs) so that those policies are consistently applied across PBS.
2. Background.
The manual is reviewed and re-issued periodically by the Commissioner of the Public Buildings Service. It contains updated policies regarding the application of fiscal law as advised by the Office of the General Counsel, interim RWA Bulletins, U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) orders, Federal regulations, memoranda from the GSA Office of the Chief Financial Officer, audit recommendations and corrective action plans, and other relevant programmatic guidance so that those policies are consistently applied across PBS for reimbursable projects. A summary of substantive changes and links to those changes appears in the manual at Table 2: Summary of Substantive Changes to the RWA NPM.
3. Applicability.
The use of this manual is mandatory for all PBS personnel. The document may be shared in its entirety with PBS customer agencies and non-Federal occupants.
4. Cancellation.
This Order cancels and supersedes the RWA National Policy Manual dated July 24, 2023 (PBS 1000.2C) and all previous versions.
5. Revision.
a. Revises PBS’s application of the DoD Financial Management Policy.
b. Raises the single transaction threshold for F-Type RWAs from $25,000 to $50,000.
c. Removes references to land ports of entry for use in multiple buildings.
d. Clarifies when PBS may purchase furniture or limited personal property.
e. Removes the RWA quarterly billing option.
6. Policy.
The RWA NPM is the primary nationwide resource containing RWA policies for use by PBS.
7. Responsibilities.
The use of this manual is mandatory for PBS personnel. The Office of Management and Budget Circular A-123, Management’s Responsibility for Internal Control, directs PBS to manage its reimbursable services program with integrity and in compliance with Federal law. The RWA NPM provides specific guidance to implement that mandate.