Watch the session recordings from our August 7, 2024 event
For prospective vendors
For new vendors
- MASsive Success — In-depth MAS training on contract administration, compliance, reporting requirements, and more
- Supermarketer — How to market your MAS contract
For experienced vendors
Closing remarks delivered by FAS Acting Deputy Commissioner, Dena McLaughlin
Get up-to-date on popular topics from our GSA Industry Symposium
To know the average time it takes to get on MAS
The average time for processing a MAS contract proposal can range from three to 12 months, depending on several factors. You can learn more about the average time and factors that impact it by visiting getting on the GSA Schedule and roadmap to get a MAS contract.
To market a new product on MAS that is not yet known
You can contact our National Customer Service Center and ask for a business development consultation. Our team can share ideas and tips on gaining exposure for your innovative products on MAS. You can also read our marketing your MAS contract page for suggestions, or watch the supermarketer video linked in the previous section.
To get market research on new manufacturers
Work with your contracting officer to provide more documentation when the contracting officer’s 4P tool returns No Market Research Found.
To learn how we manage non-TAA compliant products
Compliance with the Trade Agreements Act is critical for products on MAS. Our contracting officers and compliance teams regularly review listings to ensure they meet TAA requirements. Report any non-compliant products you see to the contracting officer for the contractor. You can use our eLibrary to find the contracting officer. We take such reports seriously and will investigate the matter.
If you want to put a new product on our radar that will not appear in any procurement tools
Currently, demand data only captures items loaded on GSA Advantage with sales. If your item has not had GSA Advantage or DoD eMall sales, it will not populate in demand data.
If you want to know why your modification was rejected when the item is listed by another vendor
Even if something is already listed by another vendor, we evaluate all modification requests independently. The mod could be rejected due to insufficient market research or documentation. You should provide thorough, specific market research, showing demand, past sales, and potential interest in the product. If you think the rejection was an error, ask your assigned contract specialist for clarification and resubmit with additional information to support your case.
If my product is flagged for country of origin, how do I update that?
Depending on where the flag is from, there should be specific instructions. If not, contact your contract specialist or officer.
If you want to know what an Economic Price Adjustment modification is
An EPA mod is a contract mod that allows for the adjustment of prices on a MAS contract based on specific economic conditions. These adjustments are usually tied to changes in market conditions, such as inflation or major shifts in raw materials prices, that impact the pricing structure in the original contract. An EPA mod ensures that pricing stays fair and reflective of current market conditions, benefitting the vendor and government agency.