2018 -- The Year of Acquisition Policy Innovation
Editor’s Note: This is the first in a three-part series about acquisition innovation at GSA. Visit the second and third blog in the series.So far, 2018 is sizing up to be a year of acquisition policy… -
Implementation of Order-Level Materials Improves the Schedules Program
GSA is pleased to announce one of the biggest improvements to its Schedules Program since its creation: the Order-Level Materials (OLM) initiative is now live. GSA announced the final General Services… -
Presidential Innovation Fellows now accepting fall 2018 applications
The federal government needs the technology and leadership skills you’ve developed in the private sector to modernize the way government meets its mission. If you’ve ever been interested in civic tech… -
Moving Toward a Commercial Platform Proof of Concept
Phase 1 Recommendations Complete, Phase 2 UnderwayBy Laura J. Stanton, Assistant Commissioner, GSA FAS Office of Enterprise Strategy ManagementImagine program officials buying the products they need w… -
GSA Receives High Marks for Small Business Success
When it comes to awarding contracts to small businesses, GSA is making the grade. In fact, GSA received an “A” grade from the U.S. Small Business Administration on the annual Small Business Procuremen… -
Historic Preservation in the 21st Century
Sustaining a stewardship ethic of responsible planning and resource management requires flexibility and resilience to respond to an environment of changing missions and economic circumstances. Since t… -
My Vision for Federal Acquisition
It’s hard to believe we’re already over halfway through fiscal year 2018, and I’m approaching my one-year anniversary mark as Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) Commissioner. Time always flies when you… -
GSA High-Performance Building Management Cuts Costs for Agencies, and Taxpayers
GSA’s new Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2018-2022 emphasizes saving taxpayer money through more efficient management of federal real estate. GSA has made tremendous achievements in reducing the ener… -
GSA Fleet Delivers for Earth Day
The 48th annual Earth Day celebration takes place on April 22nd and is an opportunity for GSA to reflect on how we deliver more efficient vehicle products and services to federal agencies. As an Offic… -
GSA Broker Industry Days Seek Industry Feedback
GSA will host a series of industry roundtables for the commercial brokerage community to obtain feedback as we prepare for the fourth iteration of the National Broker Contract. These sessions will be held in New York City, Atlanta and Washington, D.C. beginning April 8th, through May 10th, 2018 concluding with an industry conference in Washington, D.C. During the conference, GSA will provide an overview and status of the Automated Advanced Acquisition Program which enables people and businesses the opportunity to electronically offer building space for lease to the federal government.
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