GSA Organizational Performance Management

Number: 1000.1A ADM
Status: Active
Signature Date: 12/13/2023
Expiration Date: 12/31/2026

1. Purpose.

This Order establishes the General Services Administration’s (GSA) policy on performance management, consistent with the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993, GPRA Modernization Act (GPRA-MA) of 2010, OMB Circular A-11 Part Six, OMB Circular A-123, and OMB Circular A-136 to include:

  1. The establishment of organizational performance measures and annual goals;
  2. The establishment of agency procedures related to developing, tracking, reporting, and evaluating GSA’s organizational performance measures; and
  3. The defining of roles and responsibilities for organizational leaders and offices. The policy described herein refers to performance management and measures associated with GSA’s organizational performance and the interlinkage to individual employee performance, which is described in GSA directives, 9430.2 CHGE 2 HRM: GSA Associate (Employee) Performance Plan and Appraisal System and 9430.5 HRM: GSA Senior Executive Service (SES) Performance Management and Appraisal System.

2. Background. 

A transparent framework focused on performance management practices that cascades organizational goals from agency leaders to the individual GSA employee performance level is necessary for GSA to succeed in meeting its mission and demonstrate accountability to stakeholders including Congress, other Government agencies, and the public.  Organizational performance management gauges the delivery of results associated with the advancement of the GSA Strategic Plan and Administrator’s priorities by the Service and Staff Offices (SSOs).  Employee performance management is the annual process to develop individual performance plans and the subsequent assessment of individual performance.  At GSA, organizational performance measures are integrated within Senior Executive Service (SES) individual performance plans to ensure organizational strategy, leadership priorities, and activities are aligned.

3. Scope and applicability. 

This Order applies to all GSA employees with the exception of those in the Office of Inspector General (OIG) and the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA).

4. Cancellation. 

Supersedes AMD 1000.1, GSA Organizational Performance Management issued on September 23, 2016.

5.  Revision.

This Order updates associated policy and laws from oversight organizations. Additionally, the Responsibilities section is updated to include additions of strategic priorities and Enterprise Risk Profile, focus on implementing the enterprise strategic plan, and executing on decisions resulting from Quarterly Performance Reviews (QPRs) and Strategic Reviews, and other Office of Management and Budget requirements.
