Appraisal of Excess and Surplus Real Property

Number: 1005.7 PBS
Status: Active
Signature Date: 02/01/2017
Expiration Date: 02/01/2024

1.  Purpose

This Order issues and transmits the revised policy on Appraisal of Excess and Surplus Real Property.

2.  Background

This handbook updates and supplements information contained in GSA handbook, PBS P 1005.6 Appraisal of Excess and Surplus Real Property,  May 27, 1994.  In addition to the appraisal of excess and surplus real property, this program guidance includes policy and procedures related to appraisals and appraisal-related services involving all types of real estate, related personal property, underutilized property, property under the custody of other Federal agencies, and property to be acquired.  This guidance may extend to work performed for other Federal agencies on a reimbursable basis unless the reimbursing agency’s policies are to be followed.

The real property utilization and disposal functions of GSA require an efficient, competent, and reliable appraisal program.  GSA must use the most capable and professional appraisers available, with due consideration to cost and time, for all real property and related personal property transactions requiring appraisals.  The general policies and requirements for work products and services provided by staff and contract appraisers for the real property utilization and disposal functions of GSA are included in this handbook.