Jan. 8, 2024
13:11:12 From Kristen Honey (HHS, member) to Hosts and panelists:
Apologies for missing roll call. I’m here. Present!
13:11:21 From Josh Tauberer (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
I (or someone else in the eval prep group) may want to ask the invited GSA presenters a question related to the report-out of the eval prep group. Should that be asked during their presentation or can we ask them to resond after Kirkls report-out?
13:12:01 From Daniel York (GSA U.S. Open Gov) to Hosts and panelists:
I’m happy to answers questions to that at either point in the agenda
13:12:23 From Daniel York (GSA U.S. Open Gov) to Hosts and panelists:
but perhaps we limit questions during the RFI prestntaiton to RFI related itmes
13:12:43 From Daniel York (GSA U.S. Open Gov) to Hosts and panelists:
and other questions at the Eval Prep part of the meeting
13:12:48 From Josh Tauberer (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
13:13:52 From Kiril Jakimovski (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
I’ll plan to set the stage, provide an overview of the eval framework/rubric and open the floor to others from the eval group for follow up - whether it’s more details I’ve missed, questions, etc.
13:14:22 From Daniel Schuman (OG FAC Chair) to Hosts and panelists:
That’s perfect. I will work to facilitate this (with Arthur) to make as free flowing as possible
13:30:08 From Andrew Chavez | ASL Interpreter to Hosts and panelists:
Hi Jayodin, I just saw that email too. Sounds good to me
13:34:39 From Daniel Schuman (OG FAC Chair) to Hosts and panelists:
We can also go back over these after the initial presentations are done
13:35:11 From Amy Holmes - Member to Hosts and panelists:
It would be helpful to go back after the presentations.
13:35:19 From Daniel Schuman (OG FAC Chair) to Hosts and panelists:
yes, absolutely
13:35:23 From Daniel York (GSA U.S. Open Gov) to Hosts and panelists:
The presentation is posted to https://www.gsa.gov/governmentwide-initiatives/us-open-government/open-government-federal-advisory-committee/jan-8-public-meeting-3
13:35:29 From Daniel York (GSA U.S. Open Gov) to Hosts and panelists:
If you wanted to click on the links
13:59:12 From Kristen Honey (HHS, member) to Hosts and panelists:
+1 FOIA modernization
13:59:20 From Daniel Schuman (OG FAC Chair) to Hosts and panelists:
+1M FOIA :)
14:03:31 From Amy Holmes - Member to Hosts and panelists:
+1 Kristen’s points
14:12:33 From Daniel York (GSA U.S. Open Gov) to Hosts and panelists:
There is one more slide with the timeline slide if you want to hit it before the break
14:15:49 From Kristen Honey (HHS, member) to Hosts and panelists:
+1 thank you presenters — very nicely done! :)
14:43:50 From Josh Tauberer (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
That’s really interesting, Kristen. Would love to hear more about it.
14:45:38 From Charles Cutshall (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
Did the Committee formally recommend to GSA not delaying the NAP? I recall us talking through the pros and cons, and it did seem like most members supported not delaying the NAP, but I don’t recall us making a recommendation one way or another. I recall us ultimately deferring to GSA with consideration of the pros and cons that we shared. Of course, I may be misremembering - please forgive me if I am.
14:48:41 From Daniel York (GSA U.S. Open Gov) to Hosts and panelists:
No not formally.
14:49:02 From Daniel York (GSA U.S. Open Gov) to Hosts and panelists:
But it was obvious from the disucsison, that it did not have the votes to recommend the dealy of NAP6
14:50:00 From Kristen Honey (HHS, member) to Hosts and panelists:
I’ll wrangle the public Lyme Innovation Open Data Roundtable (2018) report, which is where the public/external individuals encouraged HHS to develop Lyme disease public-private partnerships (to move fast) and grand-prize challenges (to incentivize innovation). That public input => HHS “LymeX” public-private partnership for Lyme disease and the $10M LymeX Diagnostics Prize. That will be two files for the group: (1) 2018 LIRT Open Data Roundtable report; (2) Market research that documented why Lyme disease diagnostics (and not other ideas) were suited for a grand-prize challenge
15:00:24 From Kiril Jakimovski (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
Is there a way to collate feedback between meetings?
15:00:57 From Kiril Jakimovski (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
Besides the informal method of everyone sending me your feedback (though happy to receive it)
15:01:01 From Kristen Honey (HHS, member) to Hosts and panelists:
15:16:26 From Kristen Honey (HHS, member) to Hosts and panelists:
Building on Daniel’s NAP4 comment, if I remember correctly, the White House identified 4 broad categories that the Trump Administration support and all the commitments advanced. It may be worth thinking in a few broad strokes/categories with strong, bipartisan, commonsense appeal for good governance. From memory, so take with caveat, the broad NAP4 categories were along lines of (1) Data as Strategic Asset and data-driven mission delivery including emerging tech (e.g., AI/ML); (2) Open Data, Open Science, Open Innovation; (3) Public participation and US agencies/workforce responsiveness to citizens; (4) Agency/workforce efficiency & transparency improvements to demystify and reduce waste/fraud/abuse/redundancies (i.e., burden reduction)
15:19:16 From Kristen Honey (HHS, member) to Hosts and panelists:
+1 thank you! :)
15:20:20 From Kiril Jakimovski (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
I need to step away for just a second. Be right back.
15:25:14 From Kristen Honey (HHS, member) to Hosts and panelists:
I think this is a smart approach, overbooking so OGFAC will have option and then cancel ones unneeded
15:25:27 From Amy Holmes - Member to Hosts and panelists:
Makes sense to me.
15:26:02 From Daniel York (GSA U.S. Open Gov) to Hosts and panelists:
FEb 7
15:26:51 From Corinna Turbes (member) to Daniel York (GSA U.S. Open Gov)(direct message):
apologies I am having some connectivity issues - still hear and listening but going camera off.
15:28:00 From Kiril Jakimovski (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
Agreed - and convince them it’s good to engage sooner than later
15:28:05 From Josh Tauberer (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
As soon as the next administrator is named! :)
15:30:19 From Amy Holmes - Member to Hosts and panelists:
Agree with engaging sooner.
15:45:47 From John Dierking GSA OG FAC (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
May we please be able to obtain a copy of the transcript of the comments of the public speakers?
15:46:13 From Daniel York (GSA U.S. Open Gov) to Hosts and panelists:
Yes, the transcripts of the entire meeting will be publicly posted
15:46:30 From John Dierking GSA OG FAC (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
Greatly appreciated. Thank you.
15:47:12 From Josh Tauberer (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
By the way I agree with Alex Howard that the non-public nature of this chat is problematic, as helpful as it is.
15:47:27 From Kristen Honey (HHS, member) to Hosts and panelists:
15:47:49 From Suzanne Piotrowski (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
15:48:59 From Kristen Honey (HHS, member) to Hosts and panelists:
It would be fab if our OGFA led by example with every day leadership, so all messages are visible to everyone (or GSA tech support — technical probs small group only). Be. The. Change. Everyday. Leadership. Beginning. With. OGFAC :)
15:52:58 From Dr. Joyce Ajayi, Member to Hosts and panelists:
15:55:52 From John Dierking GSA OG FAC (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
Thank you!
15:55:54 From Kiril Jakimovski (Member) to Hosts and panelists:
thanks all