A delegation of procurement authority outlines the roles and responsibilities between the GSA IDIQ contracting officer and the ordering contracting officer.
Benefits of a DPA
- OCOs may issue one or more task orders
- Once granted a DPA, there is no contract access fee when placing orders
- DPAs do not expire until IDIQ expiration or task order closeout
Determine whether you need a DPA
If you are a GSA PBS contracting officer, you do not need a DPA. You can issue task orders under the IDIQ contracts without a DPA.
If you are another federal contracting officer in space GSA does not control, you must have a DPA to issue task orders.
Steps to receive a DPA
Request info for reimbursable work authorization
Contact pbs-evse-solutions@gsa.gov to request procedures for providing a reimbursable work authorization of $1,625 per DPA.
Review EVSE design-build and construction IDIQ information
Complete the DPA request form
EVSE design-build and construction IDIQ request for DPA