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GSA brings together federal partners for sustainability meet and greet

On Tuesday, April 23, the General Services Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency co-hosted a Sustainability Meet and Greet at the new John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center in Cambridge, MA.

The event brought together representatives from the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Transportation, GSA and the EPA. Attendees had a chance to tour the new Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, discuss sustainability successes and challenges, and view an electric vehicle and charging station set-up. 

Region One Sustainability Program Manager, Dave Johnson, brought the event to life and hopes the interagency working group holds similar events in the future.

“It’s important to have like-minded sustainability folks in the same room at the same time,” Johnson said. “It gives us all an opportunity to put a face to a name, get ideas out there and network toward future success. This allows us to learn from each other’s successes and best practices, pool resources and prevent duplication of effort across the federal workforce.”

The meet and greet allowed the group to convene as part of the Interagency Workgroup as required under Executive Order 14057, Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs through Federal Sustainability. 

The E.O. memorandum mentions four specific areas for regional consideration:

  1. Discussion of opportunities for climate change preparedness and resilience planning in coordination with States, Tribes, and local communities; 
  2. Sharing of fueling infrastructure and logistical resources to support the adoption and use of zero-emission vehicles, and, where applicable, other alternative fuel vehicles; 
  3. Water resource management and drought response opportunities; 
  4. Other areas of coordination to promote achievement of E.O. goals.

“We have five agencies represented here today who are key players in the federal building footprint and will have a huge impact on the New England Region and where we can not only help each other, but provide opportunities and benefits for the federal environment as well as the American taxpayers,” added Johnson.

The interagency working group hopes to host additional events in the near future.