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GSA Awards Construction Contract at the Federico Degetau Federal Building Hato Rey, Puerto Rico

September 1, 2016

SAN JUAN — The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Northeast and Caribbean Region, announced the award of a construction contract at the Federico Degetau Federal Building in the amount of $11,282,056 to RB Construction Group, Inc., a small business based in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico.

The contract award includes the following features:

  • Renovation of the 4th Floor Court area.
  • Replacement of the roof and lightning protection system.
  • Temperature Controls.
  • Rainwater Cistern and Well.
  • Completion of Photovoltaic (PV) System.
  • Completion of directional/wayfinding signage.
  • Renovation of public restrooms.
  • The award can be found here Degetau Award.

GSA is committed to the growth and development of the economy in Puerto Rico,” said Denise Pease, Regional Administrator for the GSA Northeast and Caribbean Region. “The award of a major construction contract at the Degetau Federal Building will serve as an economic catalyst by maximizing the participation of local subcontractors and small businesses.”

The project is scheduled to begin November 2016 and is anticipated to be completed by November 2018.
