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GSA Enhances Child Care Centers in Seattle and Anchorage

Release Date: February 9, 2016

The federal government has traditionally been known for its family-friendly work culture. For more than 25 years GSA has helped federal workers gain access to quality workplace child care facilities. Today, more than 100 independently operated child care centers are located in GSA-managed spaces across the country. These centers offer safe, high quality care not only to federal workers, but also the general public.

Good news for Seattle parents! GSA’s Green Tree Early Childhood Center achieved accreditation and joins the ranks of seven other centers in GSA’s Northwest/Arctic Region to hold accreditation status. Just last month, the Center received re-accreditation by the National Association of Education for Young Children (NAEYC) that is valid through August 2021.

What does it mean to be accredited? Receipt of accreditation indicates that an early education program provides a high quality learning environment for children that exceed the threshold for quality set by licensing requirements. Child Care centers in pursuit of accreditation must meet all 10 of the early childhood program standards by demonstrating satisfactory performance. With more than 400 criteria, accreditation remains an intense process that requires a high level of commitment and hard work from the child care provider and staff, as well as the support from their GSA partners.

On Monday February 1, GSA received a new child care provider in its Anchorage, Alaska location. Children’s Creative Learning Centers (CCLC) now operates at the GSA Tundra Tykes Child Care Center. This change provides the opportunity for CCLC to expand their employer sponsored child care in the Anchorage area. They currently enroll children from birth to five years.

GSA provides guidance, assistance, and oversight to federal agencies for the development of child care centers. For more information about the benefits of federal workplace child care, visit our video library.