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FAS Hosts Computers for Learning Event

The GSA National Capital Region (NCR) Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) gathered at the GSA Franconia Warehouse in Springfield, VA on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 to distribute excessed computers to teachers from around the country who attended the event.

FAS welcomed the teachers to the warehouse with an escort on a driving cart through the sprawling property where they were greeted with an array of information on FAS, the event, and a classroom style seating arrangement.

Charles Robinson, Deputy Director of the NCR Personal Property Program, opened the event by welcoming the teachers, not only from the local area, but around the country. Robinson introduced the FAS Regional Commissioner, Houston Taylor. Taylor told the crowd of over 65 teachers that, "this is one of the most pleasing things that I do, to be able to give back to the community." Taylor reminded everyone that "these are our tax dollars at work and that this is a part of the strategic plan for GSA." Next, Taylor introduced the NCR Regional Administrator, Scott Anderson. RA Anderson welcomed the teachers and echoed Taylor's sentiments.

Rickey Parker, FAS Utilization and Donation Chief, recognized the entire department to the crowd and briefly discussed the Surplus Supply Program before turning the microphone over to Kevin Mills who spoke about how surplus sales work to benefit the public.

Tamela Samuels, Computers for Learning Lead, announced that each teacher would be able to take 50 laptops back to their schools.