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FAS Hosts Successful E-Waste Event

The Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) is committed to alleviating waste in the Federal government. A clear demonstration of this commitment is the E-Waste program.

The E-Waste program provides an opportunity for Federal agencies to unload their outdated or worn out electronic equipment. The equipment is received at the GSA Personal Property Center in Springfield, Virginia. The condition of the equipment is then assessed by FAS to determine whether it will be excessed and redistributed, or recycled with a contractor for pennies on the dollar. If FAS examines the equipment and determines the equipment is neither outdated or worn, FAS will contact the agency to explain why the equipment is being discarded.

The Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security and the U.S Secret Service sent trucks filled with equipment to be assessed for the June 20th event.

This program is coordinated by Karen Somerville, Tamala Samuels, Rickey Parker, and Charles Robinson. The event is a great example of how FAS is committed to acquiring the best value for tax payers and our Federal customers.