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GSA Leaders Attend Choose Prince Georges County Briefing

Dan Mathews speaking at PG County Briefing
PBS Commissioner, Dan Mathews, speaks at the PG County Briefing

Public Buildings Service (PBS) Commissioner Dan Mathews spoke at the Choose Prince Georges County Briefing on Monday, July 22, 2019.  Mathews led the GSA Opportunities Forum presentation at the event.

Prince Georges County has experienced tremendous growth over the past decade and is rapidly becoming the focal point for economic development in the Washington metropolitan area. Located in the state of Maryland between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, and linked to the nation’s capital and three international airports, Prince Georges County is a prime location to consider for leasing opportunities.

There was also a presentation from Prince Georges County Economic Development Corporation on why Prince Georges County is a great area for GSA to consider for federal agencies.

Commissioner Dan Mathews stated “Our goal is quite simple - meet agency facility needs and save taxpayer money through better management of federal real estate.” The National Capital Region (NCR) Public Building Service Regional Commissioner, Darren Blue, and NCR Regional Administrator, Scott Anderson, were also in attendance.

Prince Georges County Executive Angela Alsobrooks and Congressman Anthony Brown also provided remarks.