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NCR Regional Administrator Participates at the State of Downtown DC Forum

The National Capital Region's (NCR) Regional Administrator, Scott Anderson, participated in the "State of Downtown DC Forum" on Friday, April 20, 2018. The forum was was held at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. and is presented each year by DowntownDC Business Improvement District (BID). The forum focuses on DC's economic trends, growth, and partnerships.

Jack Evans, Council-member for Ward-2, presented opening remarks followed by Michael McCarthy, Corporate Vice President of Quadrangle Development Corporation.

BID unveiled it's "2017 State of Downtown Report," which was followed by a panel discussion from members of the public and private sector. Panelists included, Scott Anderson, GSA NCR Regional Administrator, Amy Austin, President and CEO of theatreWashington, Brian Kenner, Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development from the Government of the District of Columbia, Keith Sellers, President and CEO of Washington, DC Economic Partnership, and Jeffery DeWitt, Chief Financial Officer, Government of the District of Columbia. Neil Albert, President and CEO of DowntownDC BID, moderated the event. 

When asked about the important relationship between the revitalization of downtown DC and GSA's mission, Anderson said, "the partnerships we have with DowntownDC BID and beyond are extremely important. As the growth of downtown continues, it is important for us all to be part of the conversation because these relationships help bring us the best value to the taxpayers and government agencies, so they can continue their missions."

Muriel Bowser, Mayor of the District of Columbia, gave closing remarks at the completion of the forum.