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Expansion of Alexandria Bay Land Port of Entry

By: Nisha Jasani

New York — On October 10, 2019, Kurt Tennant, Chief CBP Officer, of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and Andrew Woodring, project manager for General Services Administration spoke to Emily Griffin, a reporter from WWNY TV, Channel 7 about the expansion of the Alexandria Bay Land Port of Entry at Wellesley Island near the Canadian border. 

New construction will add commercial and passenger vehicle lanes, a commercial inspection warehouse, an administrative building, a non-intrusive vehicle inspection building, and an agricultural inspection facility.

Phase One of the project is anticipated to be completed in January 2020 and Phase Two is expected to be completed in the summer of 2020.

To hear the interview with our project manager at the site and learn more about the $215 million project click on the link:

Workers busy expanding Alexandria Bay border crossing