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GSA’s façade repair requires closure of African Burial Ground outdoor monument

A high-rise office building with an arched top.

Manhattan, N.Y. — In a recent Local Law 11 inspection of the exterior walls of the U.S. General Services Administration’s Ted Weiss Federal Building located at 290 Broadway, inspectors discovered physical defects in the façade.

The finding affects the site of the National Park Service’s African Burial Groundoutdoor memorial, which is located on the east side of the building.

The reopening of the African Burial Ground outdoor memorial has been postponed to allow for installation of temporary overhead structures to protect visitors before and during the upcoming repair work.

The National Park Service takes the safety of its visitors and of this sacred site very seriously,” said Shirley McKinney, Superintendent for African Burial Ground National Monument.

NPS and GSA have been working hand-in-hand to expedite the reopening of the outdoor memorial.

We regret that the issue affects the access and experience of visitors to the African Burial Ground outdoor memorial. We’re making every effort to resolve the issue while ensuring the public’s safety,” said Frank Santella, GSA’s Region 2 acting regional administrator.

Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.