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Dale Storey promoted to senior building manager

Selfie-style photo of a person with glasses, wearing a business shirt and GSA lanyard, sitting in front of a desk that contains a bag of dill pickle flavored sunflower seeds, a portable fan, and a phone.
Dale Storey was promoted to senior building manager Jan. 16.

St. Louis — Dale Storey was promoted from assistant building manager at the Robert A. Young Federal Building to senior building manager at the Thomas F. Eagleton U.S. Courthouse and Rush H. Limbaugh U.S. Courthouse Jan. 16.

As senior building manager, he oversees GSA staff and daily operations at the courthouses. Duties include communicating with the courthouse communities on safety, security and other matters. He also serves as contracting officer technical representative for the service contracts at both buildings, and he will occasionally act as the St. Louis East field office director.

What do you look forward to most about your new position? 

Working with the Court community, being a great supervisor, and learning new things about GSA.

How do you think your previous experience has prepared you for the new role? 

I was very fortunate to have excellent senior leadership since joining GSA who has always supported my career goals and objectives. My family and I also moved to Maryland for a few years, which provided new opportunities to work in different positions within the agency and with various tenant agencies.

Anything else you’d like to share?

I have been very blessed to have always been surrounded by supporting family and good people who have encouraged my career. This agency allows one to grow into areas they may have never thought of which keeps it exciting.