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Acquisition Gateway, Facilities and Construction updates

KANSAS CITY, MO. — The Acquisition Gateway is ever changing and continues to grow towards being the go-to hub for all the acquisition needs of our federal customers. 

By conducting user feedback sessions and workshops, researching homepage best practices, and building upon multiple iterations, a new homepage was created that makes it easier to find resources and understand how to utilize the gateway. Beneath the log-in buttons, there are both written and video instructions on how first time federal users can sign-in and answers to questions regarding public versus private content.

Project Center

The first and most requested update is the ability to share within the project center. Customers can now add team members, assign them specific rights (such as edit or view only), and can set milestone dates to ensure the procurement is on track for completion. Users can also collect resources from across the gateway apps, upload documents in one central location, and build and share acquisition packages with a team.


Access tutorials from anywhere on the gateway now. Just click the icon on the navigation bar at the top of the screen to learn how to use the various apps.

Document Library

When viewing a document, a “related documents” list will suggest other content the visitor might be interested in. Federal customers can now upload a document in Microsoft Word, Excel or Powerpoint and the system will automatically convert it to the PDF format needed for document previews.

Don’t have time to read? Are you a video junkie? We have several YouTube videos in the “Resources for Industry Partners” tile in the F&C Hallway. They include How to do business with GSA, Contracting for New Vendors and How to do business with GSA, Marketing Tips.

If you have ideas to improve your Acquisition Gateway visit, please send them to the F&C Content Manager at or to: