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Region 6 welcomes Brian McCoy

Brian McCoy

Contract Specialist
Public Buildings Service
Acquisition Management Division

Joined GSA February 2021

A light-haired man sits to the right of a light-haired woman and a white dog with dark spots.

Where do you live?

Lenexa, Kansas

Where is your hometown?

Clinton, Missouri

What is your alma mater, degree or special training?

Undergrad at the University of Central Missouri; law school at University of Missouri-Kansas City.

How do you recharge your batteries outside of work?

Binge watching Netflix and Hulu with my wife.

Tell us a little about yourself. Children? Pets? Married? Hobbies?

My wife, Kalsie, is a microbiologist. We have a Dalmatian-lab mix named Roma. I enjoy cooking and cheering on my favorite teams (Chiefs, Royals and Lakers).