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Region 6 welcomes Megan Knight

Megan Knight

Federal Acquisition Service
Assisted Acquisition Services Project Manager

Joined GSA December 2020

Megan Knight. Light complexion with long blond hair, smiling.

Where do you live?

Leavenworth County, Kansas

Where is your hometown?

Easton, Kansas

What other federal government or military experience have you had and for how long?

Department of Veteran Affairs, nine years.

Tell us a little about yourself. Children? Pets? Married? Hobbies?

Husband - Jacob; daughters - McKenna, 7, and Dani 5; dog - Mack 145-pound Great Dane (biggest baby of them all). 

What three words best describe your personality?

ambitious, friendly, loyal

What is one of the items on your bucket list?


What characteristic or value do you most admire in others?
