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GSA Disposing of 59 Acre Undeveloped Parcel in Lakewood

DENVER — The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) announced today the start of the disposal process of a 59-acre parcel that is part of the Denver Federal Center (DFC). It is located on the northwest corner of the DFC, at West 6th Avenue between Union Boulevard and Kipling Street in Lakewood.  This disposal is a demonstration of GSA’s goal of being an economic catalyst in cities and neighborhoods across the country.

“In 2007, GSA sold 15 acres to the City of Lakewood for the subsequent sale of the land to the Regional Transportation District (RTD) for construction of the light rail and bus intermodal facility, and 50 acres to the City of Lakewood for the subsequent sale of the land and construction of St. Anthony Hospital in deal valued at $25 million,” said Sue Damour, GSA Regional Administrator.

GSA had been working on a land exchange in order to provide a new laboratory/office facility for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). GSA now believes the exchange approach would not be financially viable. GSA is concurrently working with USGS and FDA to explore other options to meet their facility needs.

About the Parcel:

  • The parcel is located on the northwest corner of the DFC, at West 6th Avenue between Union Boulevard and Kipling Street in Lakewood.
  • The location is immediately north of RTD West Corridor Light Rail Federal Center Station and St. Anthony Hospital.
  • The parcel is zoned Mixed-Use Core Transit (M-C-T).

About the Disposal Process:

  • The disposal process will take approximately one year.
  • The advancement of the disposal process is contingent upon the completion of each step below.
  • Federal screening begins now.
  • GSA highest and best use determination, HUD Homeless screening (McKinney Vento Act).
  • State environmental review will take place late spring/early summer 2017.
  • Public sale is slated for early summer 2017.
  • Award is targeted for summer 2017.

For frequently asked disposal questions, please go to the GSA’s Real Property Utilization and Disposal and visit GSA’s Auctions website.