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GSA Updates Community Members on Port Construction Progress

CRC Meeting at San YsidroBy Javier Fernandez

Representatives for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Pacific Rim Region recently met with community members to provide updates on the respective Land Ports of Entry (LPOE) modernization and expansion projects in San Ysidro and Calexico, California.

Anthony Kleppe, LPOE Program Manager and Project Managers Jill Manzi and Rich Fallejo moderated the Community Representatives Committee (CRC) meeting in San Ysidro on February 15th to a crowd of 20 community members at Casa Familiar’s “The Front” cultural arts center. The GSA project team briefed the attendees about key aspects of Phase 2 and 3 of construction, which include the permanent realignment of the Interstate 5 south freeway to connect to the Mexican vehicle inspection facility at El Chaparral, construction of additional northbound vehicle inspection lanes, renovation of the historic Customs House, and a the new northbound pedestrian processing building on the east side of the port.

There is a palpable sense of excitement within the community about the prospects of the new northbound pedestrian inspection facility on the east side of the port opening as early as the Fall of 2018,” explained Jill Manzi. “It will include 22 pedestrian inspection lanes as well as a shaded pedestrian walkway to provide relief from the southern California sun.”

The following day, the Calexico West LPOE project team met with 30 local community members at the Carnegie Library in Calexico. Project Managers Scott Shin and Bob Smith highlighted the considerable Phase 1 construction progress, which includes the new headhouse; southbound vehicle bridge, which traverses the New River; and northbound vehicle inspection lanes. Additionally, GSA is working on a new temporary pedestrian processing facility, located about 300 feet east of the existing pedestrian building. It will feature canopy shades along the pre-primary pedestrian inspection area and is scheduled to be completed March 2018.

Representatives from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) were also on hand to answer questions about CBP inspection operations and what steps Caltrans was taking to help alleviate traffic conditions on Imperial Avenue during peak hours.

The CRC meetings are regular meetings designed to brief local community stakeholders and leaders about LPOE construction projects in their communities. GSA values these meetings and recognizes them as a vital forum for building strong community stakeholder relationships and fostering a collaborative environment.