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GSA Receives Binational Advocate of the Year Award

By Javier Fernandez

On February 12, 2016, GSA was recognized by the San Ysidro Chamber of Commerce at its 93rd Annual Gala Awards Ceremony as a joint-recipient of their 2015 Binational Advocate of the Year Award. GSA, the City of San Diego, Caltrans, the San Diego Association of Governments and local developer, the Shamrock Group, were all recognized for their partnership in developing a plan to fund, design, and build a new transit center in support of the San Ysidro Land Port of Entry (LPOE). This team incorporated community feedback to create a robust transit center on Virginia Avenue that not only brings new transportation options to the region, but will also accommodate Metropolitan Transit System buses, taxis, pedicabs and jitneys. The new Virginia Avenue Transit Center will serve as the first official pedestrian drop off and pick up facility at the San Ysidro LPOE.

Not recognized at the event, but also a key partner in the project, was the Federal Highways Administration, who in partnership with Caltrans, provided 50 percent of the project’s funding.

Anthony Kleppe, Region 9’s Land Port of Entry (LPOE) Program Manager, attended the gala and accepted the award on behalf of GSA.

It is a great honor to receive this award on behalf of the San Ysidro Project Team and GSA. This award symbolizes our efforts to work collaboratively with strategic regional partners and the community to bring much needed transportation infrastructure improvements to San Ysidro,” said Kleppe.

The Virginia Avenue Transit Center is currently under construction and will be completed this summer. The transit center is conveniently located next to the new bi-directional pedestrian processing facility (PedWest) which is under construction on the west side of the San Ysidro Land Port of Entry.

Congratulations to all of our partners on this award and for a great collaboration that will enhance the San Ysidro community.