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GSA Announces Reopening of Front Street at Federal Plaza

Vehicle, pedestrian traffic reopens following completion of building repairs

SAN DIEGO -- The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) announces the reopening of all vehicle lanes, pedestrian walkways and the crosswalk on Front Street between Broadway and West F Street at the Edward J. Schwartz Federal Office Building (FOB) in San Diego on January 15, 2022, at 7 p.m.
This reopening marks the completion of the structural enhancement project, increasing safety for building occupants and the travelling public. The Front Street underpass was reinforced with new steel beams, column support structures and precast concrete paneling, and pedestrian walkways were improved. The project also included more efficient lighting throughout. The roadway initially reopened in June 2021, but was closed for repairs following damages caused by a single-vehicle traffic accident in August. 
GSA thanks the traveling public, nearby residents and building occupants for their patience during the closures for the structural enhancement project and while repairs were made following the accident. 
What: Reopening of all vehicle lanes, pedestrian sidewalks and crosswalk on Front Street at the Federal Plaza
Where: Front Street between Broadway and F Street at the Schwartz FOB 
When: Saturday, January 15, 2022 at 7 p.m.