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GSA Administrator Denise Turner Roth joined business leaders to discuss IT and cybersecurity at Business Forward event

SAN DIEGO — Today, Administrator Denise Turner Roth of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) met with local small business leaders at the Business Forward event in San Diego. GSA’s cybersecurity initiatives are to establish, promote, and make available cybersecurity shared services that can be leveraged across government. This is part of the agency’s efforts to make it easier for companies to do business in the federal marketplace.

Enhancing GSA’s role as a catalyst for economic development in communities across the country is a key component of my vision for the future of our agency,” said Administrator Roth. “To this end, we have made a substantial commitment to small enterprises across all of our business lines, particularly in the area of high technology. As a leader in federal government tech services, we see ourselves as the bridge between the federal government and industry. It’s in GSA’s DNA to partner with tech companies, emulate private sector best practices, and apply them to government operations and policy.”

Business Forward is in direct correlation with GSA’s “Making it Easier” program. GSA is providing newer, innovative companies with easier access to the federal marketplace. IT is no longer a technology issue, it’s a mission issue one in which will be solved through partnerships like this one.

About GSA
The mission of U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is to deliver the best value in real estate, acquisition and technology services to the government and the American people. As the real estate and procurement arm of the federal government, GSA is a driver of innovation, technology, sustainability and economic development in cities and communities across the nation.

About Business Forward
With the help of more than 50 of the world’s most respected companies, Business Forward is making it easier for tens of thousands of business leaders from across America to advise Washington on how to create jobs and accelerate our economy. Business Forward is active in more than 100 cities and works with more than 450 senior Administration officials, Members of Congress, governors, and mayors.

Business leaders who have participated in our briefings have seen their suggestions implemented in the Affordable Care Act, the Jobs Act, three trade agreements, and every one of the President’s budgets. Many have also shared their recommendations with their representatives in Congress and through op-eds and interviews with local media. Ninety-eight out of one hundred business leaders who have participated in a Business Forward briefing would be interested in participating in another one. For more information please visit

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