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GSA Disposing of 59-Acre Undeveloped Parcel in Lakewood

DENVER—The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is announcing a 59-acre parcel that is part of the Denver Federal Center (DFC) in Lakewood will be sold at public auction.

The sale of this underutilized property, now called Federal Center Station, is part of GSA’s goal to reduce the Federal Government’s real property footprint. The auction started May 10 and GSA auctions for this type of property typically run for 60–90 days.

“The sale of 59 acres of land shows GSA’s continued commitment to make more efficient use of our real estate assets by divesting of underutilized property, thereby saving taxpayer dollars,” said Leigh Ann Bunetta, GSA acting regional administrator, Rocky Mountain Region.

An Industry Forum detailing the property and the sale process will be held in June. GSA will announce the details regarding this meeting later this month.

About the Parcel:

  • The Federal Center Station 59-acre parcel is located on the northwest corner of the DFC, at West 6th Avenue between Union Boulevard and Kipling Street in Lakewood.
  • The location is immediately north of RTD West Corridor Light Rail Federal Center Station and St. Anthony Hospital.
  • The parcel is zoned Mixed-Use Core Transit (M-C-T).
