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GSA Reopens Schedule 75, Introduces New and Enhanced Office Supplies Special Item Number


New SIN Provides More Opportunities for Small Business, Better Value for Government

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, the U.S General Services Administration (GSA) reopened the new and improved Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) 75 to new offerors and also added a new enhanced special item number (SIN) known as Office Supplies Fourth Generation (OS4) for Office Products & Services to the Schedule.

“The new MAS 75 and enhanced SIN were designed to leverage the advantages of utilizing the increased competition from OS2 and ensuring the transparency set forth in OS3, to help GSA accomplish its goals and create value,” said GSA Administrator Emily Murphy. “Increased competition and transparency will help customers and GSA’s industry partners by improving task order-level competition for the federal acquisition community and removing barriers to entry to industry. Ultimately, this means better value and more favorable terms and conditions for customers and more opportunities for small businesses in the government marketplace.”

Run by GSA’s Northeast Caribbean Region, the new office supplies acquisition solution incorporates the Best-In-Class (BIC) features of the OS3 solutions to increase market share, reduce program redundancies, improve customer satisfaction, and increase federal acquisition opportunities for small businesses. Additionally, the combined legacy and enhanced SINs offer customers significant savings, while also meeting sustainable acquisition and socioeconomic goals.

The reopening of MAS 75 and establishment of the enhanced SIN OS4 will meet additional goals of GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service by refreshing and expanding a competitive pool of qualified vendors, improving customer value on MAS 75 by offering more favorable terms and conditions, savings, and increasing OCONUS (overseas) utilization.
