FAS and Buy.GSA.Gov Overview

GSA Events offers a wide variety of training opportunities for your agency. The training is free, and you can earn Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) for attending all classes. With these recurring training opportunities, GSA provides overviews of acquisition support that is available to our federal customers and Military! All developed to make your acquisition work easier and more efficient while achieving cost savings! Mark your calendar right now and receive 2 CLP's for attending this course!

Training Description:

• Federal Acquisition Service Overview: This course is provided to highlight GSA’s Mission, contract vehicle solutions including the GSA Schedule, GWACs, and MACs. It also highlights Global Supply, Personal Property Management, Fleet, and eTools.

Buy.gsa.gov Overview: This course will cover interact resources, the Acquisition Solutions Navigator, and a brief review of the pricing intelligence suite.

Training Agenda:

-FAS Overview- 11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. (1 CLP)

-Break Time- 12:00 -12:10 p.m.

-buy.gsa.gov Overview 12:10 p.m. -1:00 p.m.

(1 CLP)

-Q&A’s will be answered during the session.

Presenters: Florence Francis, Shelley Breitbach, and Jennifer Souza, Customer Service Director’s representing CASE and the Army Division in GSA, Federal Acquisition Service.

If you have any questions, contact: Mrs. Jennifer Souza, Customer Service Director by emailing jennifer.souza@gsa.gov

