Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative Office Supply 4th Generation - 3/28/2024
The Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative for Office Supplies Fourth Generation (FSSI OS4) solution provides customers with the ability to cut costs and increase efficiencies by buying everyday supplies such as pens, paper, and printing items from a list of vendors with negotiated low prices.
Attend this webinar to:
- Get detailed information on how to order supplies through the FSSI OS4 purchasing channel
- See a walk-through with GSA Advantage!®
- Earn one Continuous Learning Point (CLP)
Keep your confirmation email – it includes your link to join the webinar.
GSA is here to help! If you have questions about this event, please contact us at fssi.officesupplies@gsa.gov.
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Regional DisplayIf your event is In-Person, select the Region(s) associated. If your event is Virtual, select All Regions to display nationally.
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KeywordsRequired if Published Externally.
Office Supplies, FSSI, Purchase Channel, BPA
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Registration Capacity LimitFor in-person events: Total number of people allowed in the meeting room (max per fire code). For virtual events, total number of people allowed in the Meeting or Webinar. Note: Meeting should not go over 500 max and Webinar should not go over 3,000 max.
Edit Registration Capacity Limit
Budgeted Cost in CampaignRequired for OSBU
Edit Budgeted Cost in Campaign
Registration GoalAttendance goal set by event planner
Edit Registration Goal
Actual Cost in CampaignAmount of money spent to run the event. Required for OSBU.
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Staff NotesFor project manager use.
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Expected Staff
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Campaign Statistics
Leads in CampaignTotal number of “Leads” in Campaign. Note, this number will stay the same even when leads are converted.
Lead AttendeesTotal number of attendees of the “Lead” type
Converted Leads in CampaignTotal number of “Leads” converted to “Contacts” in Campaign
Contact AttendeesTotal number of attendees of the “Contact” type
% of Leads ConvertedPercentage of Leads Converted to Contacts in Campaign
Total CLP Credit ValueTotal sum of all CLP credits offered for all “Classes Taught”
Contacts in CampaignTotal number of “Contacts” in Campaign.
Total AttendeesTotal number of attendees at the webinar both “Lead” or “Contact” type
Total Campaign MembersEquals number of “Leads in Campaign” - minus “Converted Leads in Campaign” + plus “Contacts in Campaign”
Total CLP Credits IssuedTotal number of CLP credits issued to attendees in Campaign. Note equals “Total CLP Credit Value” multiplied by “Total Attendees”.
% of Registrant Capacity Limit% reached of registration “Capacity” entered in “Event Planning” section above
Opportunities in CampaignTotal number of opportunities connected to contacts in the campaign.
% Registration Goal Reached% reached of registration “Goal” entered in “Event Planning” section above
Won Opportunities in CampaignTotal number of opportunities WON connected to contacts in the campaign.
% Registrants who AttendedEquals the number of “Total Attendees” who registered divided by “Total Campaign Members” expressed as a %. This is the attendance to registration %. If the % is low, it can be a sign that your promotion was not clear as to the benefits of attending.
Value Opportunities in CampaignTotal number of value opportunities connected to contacts in the campaign.
Value Won Opportunities in CampaignTotal number of WON value opportunities connected to contacts in the campaign.
Email Metrics
Open Rate
Click to Open Rate
Click Through Rate
Unsubscribe Rate