GSA Personal Property Disposal 3-Day Virtual Training (10/17-10/19 Virtual)

GSA Personal Property Disposal Concepts Overview is hosted by GSA’s Personal Property Management Division. This course is intended for both newcomers to the field and seasoned professionals seeking updates on the GSA Personal Property Disposal process.

Dates: October 17-19, 2023

Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm PST each day

CLP Credits: 18

Cost: FREE

Topics covered: Personal Property Disposal Overview
PPMS Familiarization
Reporting Excess Personal Property: Descriptions and Photos
Search/Select: Reutilizing Excess Property as a source of supply
Federal Surplus Donation Program: State Agencies for Surplus Property
Sales of Surplus Property: GSAAuctions® 
Disposal of Specialized Categories of Property
Procedures for Processing Hazardous Material Waste
Computers for Learning (CFL)
Seized, Forfeited, Abandoned, and Unclaimed Property
Abandonment and Destruction 


*** Participants must attend all 3 days 9:00am to 4:00pm PST to receive the 18 CLP certificate. ***

Registration is required for this training - each participant will get their own unique entry URL, so you must register to be granted access to Zoom Government. Participants will receive one (18) Continuous Learning Point for attending. GSA Zoom Government may not be compatible with everyone’s system. Please test your connection early.


registration url:

