PWS, SOO, SOW - Finding the Best Fit

PWS, SOO, SOW - Finding the Best Fit

Do you know the difference between a Statement of Work (SOW), a Performance Work Statement (PWS) and a Statement of Objectives (SOO)? How do you decide which to use, especially as it relates to professional services acquisitions? Join our experts to learn about the pros and cons of each, along with some examples and lessons learned from using each option. Earn 1 CLP!

A SOW is typically used when the task is well-known and can be described in specific terms. Statement of Objective (SOO) and Performance Work Statement (PWS) emphasize performance-based concepts such as desired service outcomes and performance standards. Whereas PWS/SOO's establish high-level outcomes and objectives for performance and PWS' emphasize outcomes, desired results and objectives at a more detailed and measurable level, SOW's provide explicit statements of work direction for the contractor to follow. However, SOW's can also be found to contain references to desired performance outcomes, performance standards, and metrics, which is a preferred approach. 

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Our monthly Office Hours webinars are designed to answer your questions about professional-services acquisitions and to help you find the right solution for complex requirements. Each Office Hours webinar is an open-forum session connecting federal Contracting Officers and other federal contracting professionals with GSA experts.

