I. Senior Agency Official for Plain Writing
Mark McHale, Associate Administrator, Office of Strategic Communications
Plain Language coordinators within the agency:
Katherine Spivey, Plain Language Launcher, katherine.spivey@gsa.gov and plainlanguage@gsa.gov
II. Explain what specific types of agency communications have you released by making them available in a format that is consistent with the Plain Writing guidelines.
- Press releases
- GSA blog
- Great Government through Technology blog
- GSA.gov webpages
- Insite (intranet)
- Playbooks
- Newsletters
III. Inform agency staff of Plain Writing Act’s requirements
Information on the Act is posted on InSite, the agency intranet, with shortcut.
- Plain Language Group on Salesforce Chatter (formed 1/3/2012) over 65 members
- Feature articles on GSA InSite
- Mandatory online training class on Online University
IV. Agency provided the following training sessions:
- 1/17/20 - CXO group
- 3/5/20 - RECT team
- 4/29/20 - CSE staff
- 10/29/20 APAC PL training OATS
- 4/29/20 - CSE staff
- 8/11/20 - Digital Gov - 634 attendees
- 9/10/20 - Digital Gov 565 attendees
- 10/20 Summit - two-day virtual summit with 1,816 attendees
- Office hours
- 1/30/20
- 2/27/20
- 3/26/20
- 4/16/20
V. Ongoing compliance/ sustaining change
Name of agency contact for compliance issues: Katherine Spivey
VI. Agency’s plain writing website
VII. Customer satisfaction evaluation after experiencing plain writing communications
In July 2011, we created and posted an email address, plainlanguage@gsa.gov, published on our plain language page, www.gsa.gov/plainlanguage. In 2019, no one contacted us asking to clarify any GSA.gov page. We did get spam.