Federal Meeting Facilities
Use by federal agencies
Conducting business and hosting or sponsoring conferences in space controlled by the Federal Government is one way to reduce travel and related costs. The Federal Meeting Facilities report identifies federal agencies that have conference and meeting space which they have made available for other agencies’ use. The report provides the accommodation size and types of services available.
The Office of Real Property Policy continuously updates the Federal Meeting Space Tool, which lists POCs for the specific spaces which are available for use by other Federal agencies for conferences, events, and meetings. The contact information is in columns N and O on the spreadsheet. Any questions concerning a specific location need to be directed to the listed POC.
Since agencies provide this information to GSA voluntarily, this list is not necessarily exhaustive. If you have additional questions about meeting spaces, please reach out to the respective locations first.
The report can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet here: Federal Meeting Facilities as of August 20, 2024 [XLSX - 35 KB].
If you are interested in including a meeting space on the report, please email realpropertypolicy@gsa.gov.
Use for non-partisan voter registration drives
We may make certain areas of federally-owned public buildings available for a non-partisan voter registration drive conducted by an organization that qualifies for an exemption from taxation under 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3). The GSA Form 3453, Application for a Permit, includes the terms and conditions that apply to the use of the space. The signed application for a permit should be given to the GSA Facility Manager or other regionally designated official who may approve the application.