36 | 165 205 | 33721 | Office furniture |
36 | 20 300 | 334310 | Professional audio/video products |
36 | 36 500 | OLM | Order-level materials, OLMs |
36 | 47 145 | 333318 | Dictating and transcribing machines and systems |
36 | 47 147 | 333318SBSA | Office security equipment and it products (small business set aside) |
36 | 47 355 | 333318 | Dictating and transcribing machines and systems |
36 | 50 156 | 334118 | Personal and document identification systems |
36 | 50 177 | 339940 | Office products |
36 | 50 281 | 339940 | Office products |
36 | 50 7002 | 339940 | Office products |
36 | 51 001 | 541930 | Translation and interpretation services |
36 | 51 002 | 333316M | Multi-media readers, reader-printers and systems |
36 | 51 100 | 333316C | Copiers and digital duplicating equipment |
36 | 51 1000 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
36 | 51 1001 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
36 | 51 100C | 333316CPC | Cost-per-copy plan for copiers (to include analog, digital, multifunctional and engineer copiers) |
36 | 51 100F | 333316F | Flat rate monthly fee for copiers (to include analog, digital, multifunctional and engineer copiers) |
36 | 51 101 2 | 339940 | Office products |
36 | 51 208 | 811212SA | Maintenance service agreement for office equipment |
36 | 51 212 | 333244 | Post copying/finishing equipment and supplies |
36 | 51 229 | 333316C | Copiers and digital duplicating equipment |
36 | 51 400 | 333249 | 3d printing solutions and additive manufacturing solutions |
36 | 51 402 | 333316M | Multi-media readers, reader-printers and systems |
36 | 51 409 | 518210ERM | Electronics records management solutions |
36 | 51 417 | 339940 | Office products |
36 | 51 500 | 541611MPS | Managed print services |
36 | 51 501 | 541611O | Office management needs assessment and analysis services |
36 | 51 503 | 611710 | Educational support services |
36 | 51 504 | 493110RM | Physical records management services |
36 | 51 505 | 561439 | Document production on-site and off-site services |
36 | 51 506 | 518210DC | Document conversion services |
36 | 51 507 | 561990 | Document destruction services |
36 | 51 508 | 541611LIT | Litigation support services |
36 | 51 509 | 561499N | Network connectivity support services |
36 | 51 55 | 532420C | Copier rental solutions |
36 | 51 56 | 811212R | Repair of government-owned equipment (for equipment not under maintenance service agreement) |
36 | 51 57 | 811212SA | Maintenance service agreement for office equipment |
36 | 51 58 | 532420LTOP | Lease to ownership plans, or LTOP, copier |
36 | 51 58A | 532420LC | Operating lease plan for copiers |
36 | 51 58B | 532420LT | LTOP and operating lease plan for all non-copier office machinery |
36 | 51 600 | 518210ERM | Electronics records management solutions |
36 | 51 B36 2A | 333316OS | Overseas copiers and supplies |
36 | 733 1 | 561499M | Mail management, systems, processing equipment and related solutions |
48 | 411 1 | 485 | Ground transportation |
48 | 411 2 | 532111 | Automotive equipment rental and leasing, rental supplemental vehicle program (rsvp) |
48 | 411 3 | 541614SVC | Supply and value chain management |
48 | 451 1 | 492110 | Package delivery |
48 | 451 2 | 492110 | Package delivery |
48 | 451 3 | 492210SB | Local courier delivery services (small business set-aside) |
48 | 451 99 | 492110 | Package delivery |
48 | 653 1 | 531 | Employee relocation solution |
48 | 653 3 | 541511T | Employee relocation solution |
48 | 653 4 | 531 | Employee relocation solution |
48 | 653 5 | 531 | Employee relocation solution |
48 | 653 7 | 531 | Employee relocation solution |
48 | 653 9 | 531110 | Long term lodging |
56 | 056 01 | 561210SB | Smart buildings systems integrator |
56 | 206 12 | 33512 | Energy-efficient lighting and sustainable energy solutions |
56 | 206 3 | 335999 | Power distribution equipment |
56 | 206 4 | 33512 | Energy-efficient lighting and sustainable energy solutions |
56 | 253 19 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
56 | 253 2 | 333318T | Wheel and tire equipment |
56 | 253 20 | 333921 | Vehicle material handling equipment |
56 | 253 24 | 333914 | Fuel management systems |
56 | 253 39 | 333912 | Air compressors and pressure cleaners |
56 | 253 40 | 811310 | Maintenance and repair shop equipment |
56 | 253 46 | 811310 | Maintenance and repair shop equipment |
56 | 253 48A | 333912 | Air compressors and pressure cleaners |
56 | 253 48C | 333912 | Air compressors and pressure cleaners |
56 | 253 49 | 333912 | Air compressors and pressure cleaners |
56 | 253 50 | 327910 | Abrasives and blasters |
56 | 253 51 | 333912 | Air compressors and pressure cleaners |
56 | 253 52 | 327910 | Abrasives and blasters |
56 | 253 90 | ANCRA | Ancillary repair and alteration services |
56 | 253 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
56 | 357 02 | 333924 | Utility trucks and tractors |
56 | 357 03 | 333924 | Utility trucks and tractors |
56 | 357 08 | 332312 | Temporary and permanent structures |
56 | 357 09B | 333924 | Utility trucks and tractors |
56 | 357 10C | 332999P | Spill containment units, containment pallets, non-wooden pallets |
56 | 357 11C | 333922 | Warehouse equipment supplies |
56 | 357 97 | ANCRA | Ancillary repair and alterations |
56 | 357 98 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
56 | 357 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
56 | 361 05 | 333923S | Scaffolding, work, and service platforms |
56 | 361 10A | 332311P | Pre-engineered and prefabricated buildings and structures for storage solutions |
56 | 361 10B | 332311P | Pre-engineered and prefabricated buildings and structures for storage solutions |
56 | 361 10D | 332311P | Pre-engineered and prefabricated buildings and structures for storage solutions |
56 | 361 10E | 332311P | Pre-engineered and prefabricated buildings and structures for storage solutions |
56 | 361 10G | 332311P | Pre-engineered and prefabricated buildings and structures for storage solutions |
56 | 361 10H | 332311P | Pre-engineered and prefabricated buildings and structures for storage solutions |
56 | 361 20A | 332311 | Above ground storage tanks/systems |
56 | 361 24 | 333914 | Fuel management systems |
56 | 361 27 | 238910 | Installation and site preparation services |
56 | 361 28 | 238910 | Installation and site preparation services |
56 | 361 30 | 332311P | Pre-engineered and prefabricated buildings and structures for storage solutions |
56 | 361 32 | 238910 | Installation and site preparation services |
56 | 361 50 | 532490P | Lease/rental of pre-engineered/prefabricated buildings and structures |
56 | 361 51 | 532490P | Lease/rental of pre-engineered/prefabricated buildings and structures |
56 | 361 97 | ANCRA | Ancillary repair and alterations |
56 | 361 99 | 332311 | Above ground storage tanks/systems |
56 | 361 99A | 332311P | Pre-engineered and prefabricated buildings and structures for storage solutions |
56 | 383 10 | 335999 | Power distribution and solar energy solutions |
56 | 383 2 | 335999 | Power distribution and solar energy solutions |
56 | 383 5 | 335911 | Batteries |
56 | 383 9 | 335911 | Batteries |
56 | 412 14 | 335999 | Power distribution equipment |
56 | 412 15 | 335999 | Power distribution equipment |
56 | 412 17 | 335999 | Power distribution equipment |
56 | 412 19 | 335999 | Power distribution equipment |
56 | 412 21 | 335999 | Power distribution equipment |
56 | 412 3 | 335999 | Power distribution equipment |
56 | 412 50 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
56 | 412 51 | 238910 | Installation and site preparation services |
56 | 412 52 | 541690E | Energy consulting services |
56 | 412 99 | 335999 | Power distribution equipment |
56 | 56 500 | OLM | Order-level materials (OLMs) |
56 | 563 16 | 332321 | Doors, windows, skylights, panels, and shutters |
56 | 563 23 | 332321 | Doors, windows, skylights, panels, and shutters |
56 | 563 25 | 332913 | Plumbing products and bathroom fixture solutions |
56 | 563 27 | 333415HVAC | Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) |
56 | 563 28 | 333414 | Water heaters |
56 | 563 29 | 332999BMS | Building materials and services |
56 | 563 30 | 332312 | Temporary and permanent structures |
56 | 563 4 | 238160 | Roofing products and services solutions |
56 | 563 6 | 321918PF | Portable flooring solutions |
56 | 563 8 | 321918PF | Portable flooring solutions |
56 | 563 97 | ANCRA | Ancillary repair and alteration services |
56 | 563 98 | 332999BMS | Building materials and services |
56 | 563 99 | 332999BMS | Building materials and services |
56 | 629 01A | 333924 | Utility trucks and tractors |
56 | 629 05 | 811310MR | Machine and equipment maintenance repair |
56 | 641 6 | 325998W | Water treatment products and systems |
66 | 540 11 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 540 12 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 540 16 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 540 19 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 540 2 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 540 21 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 540 3 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 540 7 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 566 1 | 337127 | Institutional furniture |
66 | 566 2 | 337127 | Institutional furniture |
66 | 566 3 | 337127 | Institutional furniture |
66 | 566 5 | 337127 | Institutional furniture |
66 | 581 1 | 337127 | Institutional furniture |
66 | 581 2 | 337127 | Institutional furniture |
66 | 602 1 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 10 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 14 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 17 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 18 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 2 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 21 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 22 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 23 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 24 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 26 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 3 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 30 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 31 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 32 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 35 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 40 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 4000 | 488190 | Aircraft components, maintenance, repair services, extended warranties, and maintenance agreements |
66 | 602 41 | 334511 | Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical and nautical systems and instruments |
66 | 602 42 | 334511 | Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical and nautical systems and instruments |
66 | 602 43 | 334511 | Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical and nautical systems and instruments |
66 | 602 5 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 6 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 7 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 8 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 602 9 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 603 1 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 603 10 | 333314 | Microscopes |
66 | 603 13 | 333314 | Microscopes |
66 | 603 2 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 603 3 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 603 4 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 603 5 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 603 7 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 603 8 | 333314 | Microscopes |
66 | 603 9 | 333314 | Microscopes |
66 | 615 1 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 615 18 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 615 19 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 615 2 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 615 3 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 615 4 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 615 5000 | 532490L | Laboratory maintenance, repair, leasing and warranties |
66 | 615 9 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 627 1 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 10 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 1007 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
66 | 627 11 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 12 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 13 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 14 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 15 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 17 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 18 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 2 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 2000 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 2001 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 2002 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 2003 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 2004 | 532490ESA | Equipment service agreements |
66 | 627 2005 | 611430TTS | Technical training and support (tts) |
66 | 627 2006 | 541990TAD | Technical/application development support (tads) |
66 | 627 22 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 23 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 25 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 27 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 29 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 3 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 30 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 31 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 32 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 33 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 35 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 5 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 50 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 5001 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 6 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 7 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 8 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 627 9 | 334515 | Diagnostic, measuring and testing equipment |
66 | 632 10 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 632 2 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 632 5 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 632 6 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 632 7 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 632 9 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 66 100 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 66 1000 | 541380 | Testing laboratory services |
66 | 66 1002 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
66 | 66 102 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 66 107 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 66 113 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 66 117 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 66 118 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 66 122 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 66 136 | 333999 | Animal caging equipment |
66 | 66 137 | 333415 | Laboratory refrigerators and freezers |
66 | 66 139 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 66 141 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 66 147 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 66 148 | 339113LAB | Laboratory equipment and products |
66 | 66 200 | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
66 | 66 231 | 333997 | Scales and balances |
66 | 66 318 | 333997 | Scales and balances |
66 | 66 320 | 333997 | Scales and balances |
66 | 66 501 | 532490L | Laboratory maintenance, repair, leasing and warranties |
66 | 66 502 | 532490L | Laboratory maintenance, repair, leasing and warranties |
66 | 66 503 | 532490L | Laboratory maintenance, repair, leasing and warranties |
66 | 66 507 | 611430TTS | Technical training and support (tts) |
66 | 66 508 | 532490L | Laboratory maintenance, repair, leasing and warranties |
66 | 66 601 | 334513 | Water, air, soil and seismic measuring |
66 | 66 602 | 334513 | Water, air, soil and seismic measuring |
66 | 66 603 | 334513 | Water, air, soil and seismic measuring |
66 | 66 604 | 334513 | Water, air, soil and seismic measuring |
66 | 66 606 | 334513 | Water, air, soil and seismic measuring |
66 | 66 607 | 334513 | Water, air, soil and seismic measuring |
66 | 66 608 | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
66 | 66 609 | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
66 | 66 610 | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
66 | 66 611 | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
66 | 66 612 | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
66 | 66 613 | 334511 | Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical and nautical systems and instruments |
66 | 66 614 | 334511 | Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical and nautical systems and instruments |
66 | 66 615 | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
66 | 66 616 | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
66 | 66 617 | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
66 | 66 618 | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
66 | 66 619 | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
66 | 66 620 | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
66 | 66 621 | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
66 | 66 622 | 334519ENV | Environmental measuring instruments |
66 | 873 1 | 541380 | Testing laboratory services |
66 | 873 2 | 541380 | Testing laboratory services |
66 | 873 3 | 541380 | Testing laboratory services |
66 | 873 4 | 541380 | Testing laboratory services |
67 | 19 1 | 325992 | Micro-photographic film, paper, chemical preparation and equipment |
67 | 19 100 | 323111SBSA | Photographic services and solutions |
67 | 20 316 | 333316P | Photographic supplies |
67 | 20 320 | 333316P | Photographic supplies |
67 | 262 53 | 333316P | Photographic supplies |
67 | 67 100 | 333316P | Photographic supplies |
67 | 67 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
70 | 132 100 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
70 | 132 12 | 811212 | Maintenance of equipment, repair services and/or repair/spare parts |
70 | 132 20 | 561422 | Automated contact center solutions (ACCS) |
70 | 132 3 | 532420L | Leasing of new electronic equipment |
70 | 132 32 | 511210 | Software licenses |
70 | 132 33 | 511210 | Software licenses |
70 | 132 34 | 54151 | Software maintenance services |
70 | 132 40 | 518210C | Cloud and cloud-related it professional services |
70 | 132 41 | 541370GEO | Earth observation solutions |
70 | 132 45 | 54151HACS | Highly adaptive cybersecurity services (HACS) |
70 | 132 50 | 611420 | Information technology training |
70 | 132 51 | 54151S | Information technology professional services |
70 | 132 52 | 54151ECOM | Electronic commerce and subscription services |
70 | 132 53 | 517312 | Wireless mobility solutions |
70 | 132 54 | 517410 | Commercial satellite communications solutions (COMSATCOM) |
70 | 132 55 | 517410 | Commercial satellite communications solutions (COMSATCOM) |
70 | 132 56 | 54151HEAL | Health information technology services |
70 | 132 60A | 541519ICAM | Identity, credentialing and access management (ICAM) |
70 | 132 60B | 541519ICAM | Identity, credentialing and access management (ICAM) |
70 | 132 60C | 541519ICAM | Identity, credentialing and access management (ICAM) |
70 | 132 60D | 541519ICAM | Identity, credentialing and access management (ICAM) |
70 | 132 60E | 541519ICAM | Identity, credentialing and access management (ICAM) |
70 | 132 60F | 541519ICAM | Identity, credentialing and access management (ICAM) |
70 | 132 61 | 541519PKI | Public key infrastructure (PKI) shared service providers (PKI SSP) program |
70 | 132 62 | 541519PIV | Homeland security presidential directive 12 product and service components |
70 | 132 8 | 33411 | Purchasing of new electronic equipment |
70 | 132 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
70 | 70 500 | OLM | Order-level materials (OLMs) |
71 | 489 103 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 154 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 157 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 158 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 159 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 160 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 161 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 166 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 167 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 168 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 169 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 171 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 186 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 187 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
71 | 489 188 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
71 | 489 189 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 190 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 192 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 193 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 194 | 332999S | Safes, vault systems, and security products |
71 | 489 98 | 337127INT | International furniture products |
71 | 489 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
71 | 71 1 | 33721P | Packaged office furniture |
71 | 71 100 | 339113P | Packaged healthcare furniture |
71 | 71 200 | 337121P | Packaged household dormitory and quarters furniture |
71 | 71 201 | 337121H | Household, dormitory and quarters furniture |
71 | 71 202 | 337215SBSA | Wall units and displays (small business set-aside) |
71 | 71 203 | 337122SBSA | Household, dormitory and quarters furniture (small business set-aside) |
71 | 71 204 | 337121H | Household, dormitory and quarters furniture |
71 | 71 205 | 337121H | Household, dormitory and quarters furniture |
71 | 71 206 | 337121H | Household, dormitory and quarters furniture |
71 | 71 207 | 337121H | Household, dormitory and quarters furniture |
71 | 71 295 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
71 | 71 297 | 532289 | Furniture rental and leasing |
71 | 71 298 | 337127INT | International furniture products |
71 | 71 299 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
71 | 71 301 | 33712 | Complete daycare, preschool and classroom solutions |
71 | 71 302 | 33721T | Training room, auditorium and theater furniture |
71 | 71 304 | 337127TLSB | Tables and lecterns (small business set-aside) |
71 | 71 305 | 337127LFSB | Library furniture (small business set-aside) |
71 | 71 306 | 337215MSB | Mail sorting and distribution furniture (small business set-aside) |
71 | 71 307 | 332439MLB | Mail lock boxes |
71 | 71 308 | 337127CFSB | Cafeteria and food service furniture (small business set-aside) |
71 | 71 309 | 337127 | Institutional furniture |
71 | 71 310 | 337127 | Institutional furniture |
71 | 71 311 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 71 312 | 33721SBSA | Storage (small business set-aside) |
71 | 71 313 | 337127 | Institutional furniture |
71 | 71 315 | 339113H | Healthcare furniture |
71 | 71 316 | 339113H | Healthcare furniture |
71 | 71 317 | 337127CSB | Chair, convalescent (small business set-aside) |
71 | 71 318 | 339113H | Healthcare furniture |
71 | 71 320 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 71 321 | 337127CISB | Correctional institution furniture (small business set-aside) |
71 | 71 393 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
71 | 71 394 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
71 | 71 395 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
71 | 71 396 | 532289 | Furniture rental and leasing |
71 | 71 397 | 532289 | Furniture rental and leasing |
71 | 71 398 | 337127INT | International furniture products |
71 | 71 399 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
71 | 71 500 | OLM | Order-level materials (OLMs) |
71 | 71 98 | 337127P | International packaged furniture |
71 | 711 1 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 711 10 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 711 11 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 711 12 | 337127TLSB | Tables and lecterns (small business set-aside) |
71 | 711 13 | 337215SBSA | Wall units and displays (small business set-aside) |
71 | 711 14 | 337215SBSA | Wall units and displays (small business set-aside) |
71 | 711 15 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 711 16 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 711 17 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 711 18 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 711 19 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 711 2 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 711 20 | 337215SBSA | Wall units and displays (small business set-aside) |
71 | 711 3 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 711 4 | 33721SBSA | Storage (small business set-aside) |
71 | 711 5 | 33721SBSA | Storage (small business set-aside) |
71 | 711 6 | 33721SBSA | Storage (small business set-aside) |
71 | 711 7 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 711 8 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 711 9 | 33721 | Office furniture |
71 | 711 91 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
71 | 711 92 | 33721RSB | Remanufactured furniture (small business set-aside) |
71 | 711 93 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
71 | 711 94 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
71 | 711 95 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
71 | 711 96 | 532289 | Furniture rental and leasing |
71 | 711 97 | 532289 | Furniture rental and leasing |
71 | 711 98 | 337127INT | International furniture products |
71 | 711 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
72 | 31 301 | 314110 | Carpet flooring |
72 | 31 302 | 314110SBSA | Carpet flooring (small business set-aside) |
72 | 31 303 | 314110 | Carpet flooring |
72 | 31 304 | 314110 | Carpet flooring |
72 | 31 305 | 314110 | Carpet flooring |
72 | 31 401 | 321918 | Commercial flooring |
72 | 31 402 | 321918 | Commercial flooring |
72 | 31 501 | 314110SBSA | Carpet flooring (small business set-aside) |
72 | 31 502 | 314110 | Carpet flooring |
72 | 31 601 | 321918 | Commercial flooring |
72 | 31 602 | 321918 | Commercial flooring |
72 | 31 604 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
72 | 31 998 | 321918 | Commercial flooring |
72 | 31 999 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
72 | 722 01 | 3FURNISH | Commercial office furnishings (small business set-aside) |
72 | 722 02 | 3FURNISH | Commercial office furnishings (small business set-aside) |
72 | 722 03 | 3FURNISH | Commercial office furnishings (small business set-aside) |
72 | 722 04 | 3FURNISH | Commercial office furnishings (small business set-aside) |
72 | 722 05 | 3FURNISH | Commercial office furnishings (small business set-aside) |
72 | 722 06 | 3FURNISH | Commercial office furnishings (small business set-aside) |
72 | 722 08 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
72 | 722 97 | 3FURNISH | Commercial office furnishings (small business set-aside) |
72 | 722 98 | 3FURNISH | Commercial office furnishings (small business set-aside) |
72 | 722 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
73 | 302 1 | 811310MR | Machine and equipment maintenance repair |
73 | 302 15 | 335220 | Sanitation and warewashing equipment |
73 | 302 2 | 311423 | Non perishable foods |
73 | 302 20 | 333241 | Food preparation equipment |
73 | 302 28 | 336999 | Food center concepts |
73 | 302 29 | 333241 | Food preparation equipment |
73 | 302 3 | 333241 | Food preparation equipment |
73 | 302 30 | 333241 | Food preparation equipment |
73 | 302 34 | 336999 | Food center concepts |
73 | 302 36 | 336999 | Food center concepts |
73 | 302 40 | 333241 | Food preparation equipment |
73 | 302 41 | 314120 | Lodging and hospitality supplies and services |
73 | 302 42 | 333241 | Food preparation equipment |
73 | 302 56 | 333241 | Food preparation equipment |
73 | 302 72 | 336999 | Food center concepts |
73 | 302 74 | 332215T | Cooking utensils |
73 | 302 98 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
73 | 302 99 | 333241 | Food preparation equipment |
73 | 375 100 | 333318F | Floor care cleaning and equipment |
73 | 375 103 | 333318F | Floor care cleaning and equipment |
73 | 375 107 | 333318F | Floor care cleaning and equipment |
73 | 375 117 | 333318F | Floor care cleaning and equipment |
73 | 375 125 | 333318F | Floor care cleaning and equipment |
73 | 375 129 | 333318F | Floor care cleaning and equipment |
73 | 375 135 | 333318F | Floor care cleaning and equipment |
73 | 375 139 | 811310MR | Machine and equipment maintenance repair |
73 | 375 200 | 339994 | Hand floor cleaning equipment |
73 | 375 321 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 375 323 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 375 341 | 333318F | Floor care cleaning and equipment |
73 | 375 351 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 375 352 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 375 353 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 375 355 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 375 356 | 333318F | Floor care cleaning and equipment |
73 | 375 361 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 375 362 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 375 363 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 375 364 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 375 368 | 339113 G | Gloves |
73 | 375 371 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 375 372 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 375 391 | 325612 | Disinfectants, sterilants and deodorizers |
73 | 375 393 | 325612 | Disinfectants, sterilants and deodorizers |
73 | 375 99 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 384 2 | 326199 | Waste and recycling containers and receptacles - outdoor and indoor use |
73 | 384 4 | 326199 | Waste and recycling containers and receptacles - outdoor and indoor use |
73 | 384 9 | 326199 | Waste and recycling containers and receptacles - outdoor and indoor use |
73 | 384 99 | 326199 | Waste and recycling containers and receptacles - outdoor and indoor use |
73 | 476 12 | 325612 | Disinfectants, sterilants and deodorizers |
73 | 476 13 | 325612 | Disinfectants, sterilants and deodorizers |
73 | 507 2 | 325612 | Disinfectants, sterilants and deodorizers |
73 | 507 4 | 325612 | Disinfectants, sterilants and deodorizers |
73 | 507 8 | 325612 | Disinfectants, sterilants and deodorizers |
73 | 507 9 | 325320 | Pest and animal control products |
73 | 507 99 | 325998 | Chemical additives |
73 | 524 1 | 325998 | Chemical additives |
73 | 524 2 | 325998W | Water treatment products and systems |
73 | 655 01 | 324110 | Propane |
73 | 658 1 | 325998W | Water treatment products and systems |
73 | 681 1 | 325998 | Chemical additives |
73 | 681 4 | 325998 | Chemical additives |
73 | 852 1 | 325611 | Cleaning products |
73 | 852 2 | 335210 | Personal care items |
73 | 852 3 | 314120 | Lodging and hospitality supplies and services |
73 | 852 4 | 315210 | Uniforms |
73 | 852 7 | 314120 | Lodging and hospitality supplies and services |
73 | 852 99 | 314120 | Lodging and hospitality supplies and services |
73 | 302 49 | 333415REM | Refrigeration equipment |
75 | 75 200 | 339940 | Office products |
75 | 75 210 | 339940SVC | Office supply support services |
75 | 75 220 | 339940OS4 | OS4 office products and supplies |
75 | 75 280 | 339940OVER | OS4 overseas office products and supplies |
75 | 75 85 | 322291 | Restroom products |
76 | 760 1 | 511130 | Books and pamphlets |
76 | 760 2 | 511120 | Periodicals, subscriptions, online book selling and lending library services |
76 | 760 3 | 561410 | Editorial, publishing, and library media services |
76 | 760 4 | 511120 | Periodicals, subscriptions, online book selling and lending library services |
76 | 760 5 | 511120 | Periodicals, subscriptions, online book selling and lending library services |
76 | 760 6 | 5191M | Entertainment, news and library media |
78 | 192 02 | 339920S | Sporting goods equipment and supplies |
78 | 192 03 | 713940 | Fitness center management services |
78 | 192 04 | 812990 | Personal trainer and aerobic/cardio class leader/instructor |
78 | 192 05 | 713940 | Fitness center management services |
78 | 192 06 | 713940PACK | Packaged fitness center |
78 | 192 08 | 339920S | Sporting goods equipment and supplies |
78 | 192 09 | 339920S | Sporting goods equipment and supplies |
78 | 192 19 | 339920S | Sporting goods equipment and supplies |
78 | 192 33A | 339920S | Sporting goods equipment and supplies |
78 | 192 37B | 337122OSB | Park, recreational and outdoor furniture (small business set-aside) |
78 | 192 37I | 339920PARK | Park and playground equipment |
78 | 192 41 | 339992 | Sounds of music |
78 | 192 42 | 339930 | Doll, toy and game manufacturing |
78 | 192 45 | 339920S | Sporting goods equipment and supplies |
78 | 192 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
78 | 192 99A | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
78 | 251 1 | 336991 | Wheel and track vehicles |
78 | 251 13 | 321991 | Mobile homes, travel trailers |
78 | 251 22 | 336612R | Recreational watercraft |
78 | 251 6 | 336991 | Wheel and track vehicles |
78 | 366 11 | 339950 | Signs |
78 | 366 12 | 339999S | Safety zone products |
78 | 366 22 | 339999F | Flags, banners, pennants, and related products |
78 | 366 23 | 339999F | Flags, banners, pennants, and related products |
78 | 366 90 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
78 | 366 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
78 | 402 5 | 339999ASB | Awards (small business set-aside) |
78 | 402 7 | 339999F | Flags, banners, pennants, and related products |
78 | 402 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
84 | 246 01 | 561210SB | Smart buildings systems integrator |
84 | 246 1000 | 334290 | Security and detection systems |
84 | 246 20 1 | 334290 | Security and detection systems |
84 | 246 20 2 | 334290 | Security and detection systems |
84 | 246 20 3 | 334290 | Security and detection systems |
84 | 246 20 4 | 334290 | Security and detection systems |
84 | 246 23 | 334290 | Security and detection systems |
84 | 246 25 | 334290 | Security and detection systems |
84 | 246 35 1 | 334290L | Physical access control systems (PACS) - legacy SIN |
84 | 246 35 7 | 334290PACS | Physical access control systems (PACS) - FIPS 201 |
84 | 246 36 | 334290 | Security and detection systems |
84 | 246 40 | 334290 | Security and detection systems |
84 | 246 42 1 | 334512 | Total solution support products for facilities management systems |
84 | 246 43 | 334290 | Security and detection systems |
84 | 246 51 | 238910 | Installation and site preparation services |
84 | 246 52 | 334512 | Total solution support products for facilities management systems |
84 | 246 53 | 334512 | Total solution support products for facilities management systems |
84 | 246 54 | 561612 | Protective service occupations |
84 | 246 60 1 | 541330L | Security system integration, design, management, and life cycle support |
84 | 246 60 4 | 334512 | Total solution support products for facilities management systems |
84 | 246 60 5 | 541330SEC | Security system integration, design, management, and life cycle support |
84 | 246 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
84 | 260 01 | 336612 | Marine craft |
84 | 260 03 | 336612 | Marine craft |
84 | 260 06 | 336612 | Marine craft |
84 | 260 09 | 336611 | Marine craft repairing |
84 | 260 10 | 334511 | Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical and nautical systems and instruments |
84 | 260 1000 | 336612 | Marine craft |
84 | 260 11 | 336612 | Marine craft |
84 | 260 12 | 336612 | Marine craft |
84 | 260 13 | 336611 | Marine craft repairing |
84 | 260 14 | 561621H | Harbor/waterfront security products and services and professional marine security services |
84 | 260 99 | 336611 | Marine craft repairing |
84 | 426 1000 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
84 | 426 1A | 332999 | Law enforcement personal equipment |
84 | 426 1B | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 426 1C | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 426 1D | 332999 | Law enforcement personal equipment |
84 | 426 1G | 332216 | Law enforcement, firefighting and rescue tools, equipment and accessories |
84 | 426 2A | 812910 | Canine training, handling, and caging products and services |
84 | 426 3A | 336320 | Vehicle signal and restraint system |
84 | 426 3B | 336320 | Vehicle signal and restraint system |
84 | 426 3D | 336991 | Wheel and track vehicles |
84 | 426 4C | 333314NV | Night vision equipment |
84 | 426 4D | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
84 | 426 4E | 334519 | Bomb and hazardous material disposal; metal and bomb detection |
84 | 426 4F | 611430ST | Security training |
84 | 426 4G | 337215 | Firearm care |
84 | 426 4J | 339920 | Target systems/target range accessories |
84 | 426 4K | 334519 | Bomb and hazardous material disposal; metal and bomb detection |
84 | 426 4L | 339999E | Evidence collection and investigative equipment and supplies |
84 | 426 4M | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
84 | 426 4N | 325412 | Criminal investigative equipment and supplies |
84 | 426 4Q | 334511 | Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical and nautical systems and instruments |
84 | 426 4R | 334519 | Bomb and hazardous material disposal; metal and bomb detection |
84 | 426 4S | 334220 | Surveillance systems, wearable body cameras, and vehicular video |
84 | 426 5A | 336413 | Aircraft armoring and helicopter equipment |
84 | 426 5B | 336992 | Non-tactical armored vehicles and vehicle armoring services |
84 | 426 6 | 611430ST | Security training |
84 | 426 7 | 541990L | Professional law enforcement services |
84 | 426 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
84 | 465 10 | 339113R | Medical/rescue and patient transportation products |
84 | 465 1000 | 332216 | Law enforcement, firefighting and rescue tools, equipment and accessories |
84 | 465 11 | 3FIRE | Fire management equipment |
84 | 465 17 | 334511 | Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical and nautical systems and instruments |
84 | 465 19 | 332216 | Law enforcement, firefighting and rescue tools, equipment and accessories |
84 | 465 22 | 339112 | Breathing air equipment and related items |
84 | 465 8 | 332312F | Flood control |
84 | 465 9 | 339113R | Medical/rescue and patient transportation products |
84 | 567 15 | 326220 | Hoses, valves, fittings, nozzles, couplings and related accessories |
84 | 567 4 | 336413 | Aircraft armoring and helicopter equipment |
84 | 567 8 | 332994 | Burning equipment |
84 | 567 99 | 332216 | Law enforcement, firefighting and rescue tools, equipment and accessories |
84 | 633 1 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 1000 | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 633 15 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 16 | 316210 | Footwear |
84 | 633 18 | 316210 | Footwear |
84 | 633 19 | 316210 | Footwear |
84 | 633 21A | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 22 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 23 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 25 | 316210 | Footwear |
84 | 633 26 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 27 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 30 | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 633 30A | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 633 32 | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 633 33 | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 633 35 | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 633 37 | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 633 38 | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 633 39 | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 633 4 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 40 | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 633 43 | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 633 45 | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 633 47 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 48 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 49 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 50 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 51 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 52 | 316210 | Footwear |
84 | 633 6 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 60 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 61 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 6A | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 633 70 | 3152 | Clothing |
84 | 633 99 | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
84 | 84 500 | OLM | Order-level materials (OLMs) |
599 | 599 1 | 561599 | Travel consulting services |
599 | 599 1000 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
599 | 599 2 | 561510 | Travel agent services |
599 | 599 3 | 561599L | Lodging negotiations and management services |
599 | 599 4 | 481211O | >Air charter services - owner operated |
599 | 599 5 | 481211B | Air charter services - brokers |
599 | 599 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
736 | 736 1 | 561320SBSA | Temporary staffing (small business set-aside) |
736 | 736 2 | 561320SBSA | Temporary staffing (small business set-aside) |
736 | 736 3 | 561320SBSA | Temporary staffing (small business set-aside) |
736 | 736 4 | 561320SBSA | Temporary staffing (small business set-aside) |
736 | 736 5 | 561320SBSA | Temporary staffing (small business set-aside) |
736 | 736 99 | 561320SBSA | Temporary staffing (small business set-aside) |
751 | 751 1 | 532112 | Leasing of passenger cars, SUVs, vans, and light trucks |
751 | 751 2 | 532112 | Leasing of passenger cars, SUVs, vans, and light trucks |
751 | 751 3 | 532112 | Leasing of passenger cars, SUVs, vans, and light trucks |
2305 | 023 101 | 336212 | Trailers and attachments |
2305 | 023 LSV | 33611 | Purchase or lease of gas or electric low speed vehicles |
2305 | 025 101 | 3363P | Spare components and vehicle accessories |
2305 | 096 1N | 326211 | Tires - new |
2305 | 096 2N | 326211 | Tires - new |
2305 | 096 2N | 326212 | Tires - retreaded |
2305 | 096 3N | 326211 | Tires - new |
2305 | 096 3N | 326212 | Tires - retreaded |
2305 | 096 4N | 326211 | Tires - new |
2305 | 096 4N | 326212 | Tires - retreaded |
2305 | 125 102 | 3361V | Vocational vehicles |
2305 | 125 104 | 336211V | Vocational bodies and attachments |
2305 | 190 01 | 3361 | Law enforcement and fire fighting vehicles and attachments |
2305 | 190 02 | 532120 | Leased heavy duty vehicles |
2305 | 190 03 | 3361 | Law enforcement and fire fighting vehicles and attachments |
2305 | 190 04 | 3361 | Law enforcement and fire fighting vehicles and attachments |
2305 | 190 05 | 3361V | Vocational vehicles |
2305 | 190 06 | 3361V | Vocational vehicles |
2305 | 190 07 | 3363 | Upfitting of government-owned emergency response vehicles to provide turn-key solutions |
2305 | 271 101 | 333924 | Utility trucks and tractors |
2305 | 271 102 | 3331SBSA | Clearing equipment (small business set-aside) |
2305 | 271 103 | 333923 | Vehicular cranes and attachments |
2305 | 271 104 | 333120 | Street repair and cleaning equipment and attachments |
2305 | 271 105 | 3331SBSA | Clearing equipment (small business set-aside) |
2305 | 271 106 | 333120 | Street repair and cleaning equipment and attachments |
2305 | 271 107 | 532412 | Leased equipment and accessories |
2305 | 271 108 | 3363P | Spare components and vehicle accessories |
2305 | 271 112 | 532120 | Leased heavy duty vehicles |
2305 | 271 113 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
2305 | 271 114 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
2305 | 272 105 | 3361E | Electric and autonomous vehicles and accessories |
2305 | 272 106 | 336350 | Remanufactured automotive components |
2305 | 400 01 | 81111 | Automotive maintenance, repair and body services |
2305 | 400 02 | 811122 | Automotive windshield and paint repair |
2305 | 618 02 | 3361V | Vocational vehicles |
2305 | 967 01 | 336211 | Tank trucks |
2305 | 968 01 | 336211 | Tank trucks |
5105 | 051 400 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
5105 | 051 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
5105 | 105 001 | 332510S | Hardware store, home improvement center, industrial or general supply store, or industrial maintenance repair and operations (MRO) distributor - store front |
5105 | 105 002 | 332510C | Hardware store, home improvement center, industrial or general supply store, or industrial maintenance repair and operations (MRO) distributor - catalog |
5105 | 105 003 | 332510 | Hardware manufacturing (hardware store services) |
5105 | 341 100 | 333112 | Lawn and garden equipment, machinery, implements, tools, products and accessories |
5105 | 341 500 | 325320 | Pest and animal deterrents and accessories |
5105 | 515 001 | 532310 | Rental and leasing of hardware store products |
5105 | 515 002 | 532310 | Rental and leasing of hardware store products |
5105 | 577 001 | 811310MR | Machine and equipment maintenance repair |
5105 | 613 001 | 333TOOL | Tools (powered and non-powered), tool kits, tool boxes and accessories |
5105 | 639 001 | 335220D | Domestic appliances |
5105 | 639 002 | 335220E | Export appliances |
5105 | 834 100 | 324191 | Commercial coatings, removers, adhesives, sealants and lubricants, petroleum and waxes |
5105 | 834 900 | 324191 | Commercial coatings, removers, adhesives, sealants and lubricants, petroleum and waxes |
5801 | 219 10 | 334310 | Professional audio/video products |
5801 | 219 11 | 334310 | Professional audio/video products |
5801 | 219 13 | 334310 | Professional audio/video products |
5801 | 219 3 | 334310 | Professional audio/video products |
5801 | 219 4 | 334310 | Professional audio/video products |
5801 | 219 9 | 334310 | Professional audio/video products |
5801 | 58 1 | 334310 | Professional audio/video products |
5801 | 58 10 | 541990AV | Professional audio/video services |
5801 | 58 2 | 334310 | Professional audio/video products |
5801 | 58 3 | 334310 | Professional audio/video products |
5801 | 58 4 | 334310 | Professional audio/video products |
5801 | 58 6 | 334511T | Telecommunications equipment |
5801 | 58 7 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
5801 | 58 8 | 541990AV | Professional audio/video services |
5801 | 58 9 | 541990AV | Professional audio/video services |
5801 | 58 98 | 334290OS | Overseas (international) audio/visual products |
5801 | 58 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
73810 | 595 10 | 54161 | Agency human capital evaluation |
73810 | 595 11 | 541611 | Management and financial consulting, acquisition and grants management support, and business program and project management services |
73810 | 595 2 | 56131 | Talent acquisition |
73810 | 595 21 | 541612HC | Agency human capital strategy, policy and operations |
73810 | 595 25 | 561EEO | EEO services |
73810 | 595 27 | 561611 | HR support: pre employment background investigations |
73810 | 595 28 | 624SS | Social services, professional counseling and veterans’ readjustment and behavioral health services |
73810 | 595 3 | 611430TD | Talent development |
73810 | 595 4 | 541612EPM | Employee performance management |
73810 | 595 5 | 541214HR | Compensation and benefits |
73810 | 595 6 | 524292 | Separation and retirement |
73810 | 595 7 | 541612ER | Employee relations |
73810 | 595 8 | 541612LR | Labor relations |
73810 | 595 9 | 541611W | Workforce analytics and employee records |
73810 | 738X 500 | OLM | Order-level materials (OLMs) |
00CORP | 00CORP 500 | OLM | Order-level materials (OLMs) |
00CORP | 100 01 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
00CORP | 100 03 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
00CORP | 382 1 | 541930 | Translation and interpretation services |
00CORP | 382 2 | 541930 | Translation and interpretation services |
00CORP | 382 3 | 611630 | Linguistic training and education |
00CORP | 382 4 | 541930 | Translation and interpretation services |
00CORP | 382 5 | 541930 | Translation and interpretation services |
00CORP | 382 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
00CORP | 520 1 | 522310 | Financial advising, loan servicing and asset management services |
00CORP | 520 10 | 541211 | Auditing services |
00CORP | 520 11 | 541219 | Budget and financial management services |
00CORP | 520 12 | 541219 | Budget and financial management services |
00CORP | 520 13 | 541611 | Management and financial consulting, acquisition and grants management support, and business program and project management services |
00CORP | 520 14 | 611430 | Professional and management development training |
00CORP | 520 15 | 541214 | Payroll services |
00CORP | 520 16 | 561450 | Business information services (BIS) |
00CORP | 520 17 | 541990RISK | Risk assessment and mitigation services |
00CORP | 520 2 | 531210 | Financial asset resolution services |
00CORP | 520 20 | 541990IPS | Data breach response and identity protection |
00CORP | 520 21 | 541611 | Management and financial consulting, acquisition and grants management support, and business program and project management services |
00CORP | 520 22 | 541611 | Management and financial consulting, acquisition and grants management support, and business program and project management services |
00CORP | 520 3 | 541611 | Management and financial consulting, acquisition and grants management support, and business program and project management services |
00CORP | 520 4 | 561440 | Debt collection services |
00CORP | 520 5 | 522310 | Financial advising, loan servicing and asset management services |
00CORP | 520 6 | 541110 | Professional legal services |
00CORP | 520 7 | 541211 | Auditing services |
00CORP | 520 8 | 541211 | Auditing services |
00CORP | 520 9 | 541211 | Auditing services |
00CORP | 520 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
00CORP | 541 1 | 541810 | Advertising services |
00CORP | 541 1000 | 541810ODC | Other direct costs for marketing and public relations services |
00CORP | 541 2 | 541820 | Public relations services |
00CORP | 541 3 | 541511 | Web based marketing |
00CORP | 541 4A | 541910 | Marketing research and analysis |
00CORP | 541 4B | 512110 | Video/film production |
00CORP | 541 4C | 541850 | Exhibit design and advertising services |
00CORP | 541 4D | 561920 | Conference, meeting, event and trade show planning services |
00CORP | 541 4E | 541922 | Commercial photography services |
00CORP | 541 4F | 541430 | Graphic design services |
00CORP | 541 4G | 541613 | Marketing consulting services |
00CORP | 541 5 | 541613 | Marketing consulting services |
00CORP | 871 1 | 541330ENG | Engineering services |
00CORP | 871 1 | 541715 | Engineering research and development and strategic planning |
00CORP | 871 2 | 541330ENG | Engineering services |
00CORP | 871 2 | 541715 | Engineering research and development and strategic planning |
00CORP | 871 3 | 541420 | Engineering system design and integration services |
00CORP | 871 3 | 541715 | Engineering research and development and strategic planning |
00CORP | 871 3 | 541330ENG | Engineering services |
00CORP | 871 4 | 541380 | Testing laboratories |
00CORP | 871 4 | 541715 | Engineering research and development and strategic planning |
00CORP | 871 4 | 541330ENG | Engineering services |
00CORP | 871 5 | 541330ENG | Engineering services |
00CORP | 871 6 | 541330ENG | Engineering services |
00CORP | 871 7 | 541330ENG | Engineering services |
00CORP | 874 1 | 541611 | Management and financial consulting, acquisition and grants management support, and business program and project management services |
00CORP | 874 4 | 611430 | Professional and management development training |
00CORP | 874 4 | 611512 | Flight training |
00CORP | 874 501 | 541614SVC | Supply and value chain management |
00CORP | 874 503 | 541614 | Deployment, distribution and transportation logistics services |
00CORP | 874 504 | 541614 | Deployment, distribution and transportation logistics services |
00CORP | 874 505 | 611430 | Professional and management development training |
00CORP | 874 597 | ANCRA | Ancillary repair and alterations |
00CORP | 874 6 | 541611 | Management and financial consulting, acquisition and grants management support, and business program and project management services |
00CORP | 874 7 | 541611 | Management and financial consulting, acquisition and grants management support, and business program and project management services |
00CORP | 874 8 | 611TRAINAW | Defense acquisition workforce improvement act (DAWIA) and federal acquisition certification in contracting (fac-c) professional development training for acquisition workforce personnel |
00CORP | 874 9 | 333318TDTM | Off-the-shelf training devices and training materials |
00CORP | 874 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
00CORP | 899 1 | 541620 | Environmental consulting services |
00CORP | 899 3 | 611430 | Professional and management development training |
00CORP | 899 5 | 562112 | Hazardous waste disposal services |
00CORP | 899 7 | 541370GIS | Geographic information systems (GIS) services |
00CORP | 899 8 | 562910REM | Environmental remediation services |
00CORP | 899 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
00CORP | C132 51 | 54151S | Information technology professional services |
00CORP | C595 21 | 541612HC | Agency human capital strategy, policy and operations |
00CORP | C871 202 | 541690E | Energy consulting services |
00CORP | C871 207 | 541690E | Energy consulting services |
00CORP | C871 208 | 541690E | Energy consulting services |
00CORP | C871 211 | 541690E | Energy consulting services |
03FAC | 003 100 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
03FAC | 003 97 | ANCRA | Ancillary repair and alterations |
03FAC | 03FAC 500 | OLM | Order-level materials (OLMs) |
03FAC | 371 001 | 561730 | Grounds maintenance |
03FAC | 371 002 | 561730 | Grounds maintenance |
03FAC | 371 003 | 325320 | Pest and animal deterrents and accessories |
03FAC | 541 001 | 561210FAC | Facilities maintenance and management |
03FAC | 541 099 | NEW | |
03FAC | 561 001 | 561210FAC | Complete facilities maintenance and management |
03FAC | 561 002 | 561210FAC | Complete facilities maintenance and management |
03FAC | 801 001 | 238320 | Surface preparation |
03FAC | 811 001 | 561210FAC | Complete facilities maintenance and management |
03FAC | 811 002 | 561210FAC | Complete facilities maintenance and management |
03FAC | 811 003 | 561210FAC | Complete facilities maintenance and management |
03FAC | 811 004 | 561210FAC | Complete facilities maintenance and management |
03FAC | 811 005 | 561210FAC | Complete facilities maintenance and management |
03FAC | 811 006 | 561210FAC | Complete facilities maintenance and management |
03FAC | 812 002 | 336611 | Dockside maintenance and repair service |
03FAC | 871 100 | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
03FAC | 871 202 | 541690E | Energy services |
03FAC | 871 203 | 541690E | Energy services |
03FAC | 871 204 | 541690E | Energy services |
03FAC | 871 205 | 541690E | Energy services |
03FAC | 871 206 | 541690E | Energy services |
03FAC | 871 207 | 541690E | Energy services |
03FAC | 871 208 | 541690E | Energy services |
03FAC | 871 209 | 541690E | Energy services |
03FAC | 871 210 | 541690E | Energy services |
03FAC | 871 211 | 541690E | Energy services |
03FAC | 871 211 | 541690 | Integrated logistics support |
03FAC | 871 299 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
07102K | 712 1 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
07102K | 712 2 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
07102K | 712 3 | 541614OR | Office relocation and reconfiguration |
07102K | 712 4 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
07102K | 712 6 | 541614CF | Comprehensive furniture management services |
07102K | 712 97 | ANCRA | Ancillary repair and alterations |
07102K | 712 99 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
08101B | 617 1 | 3PACK | Packaging materials |
08101B | 617 10 | 561910 | Packaging services |
08101B | 617 11 | 332439 | Shipping, cargo, freight, and storage containers |
08101B | 617 12 | 321920 | Pallets, plastic and wood |
08101B | 617 13 | 334419 | Unique identification (UID)/radio frequency identification (RFID) |
08101B | 617 2 | 3PACK | Packaging materials |
08101B | 617 3 | 3PACK | Packaging materials |
08101B | 617 4 | 3PACK | Packaging materials |
08101B | 617 5 | 322220 | Performance-oriented packaging (POPs), plastic over pack, and hazardous material packaging |
08101B | 617 7 | 331315A | Aluminum sheets |
08101B | 617 8 | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |