Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Advice and Guidance for agency committee management officers and designated federal officials.
“Preparing Federal Advisory Committee Charters [DOCX - 4 MB],” Committee Management Staff
“CMS Bylaws Best Practices [DOCX - 3 MB]”, Committee Management Staff
“Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Database Cost Reporting [PDF - 122 KB],” Associate Administrator, Office of Government-wide Policy
“Final Guidance on Appointment of Lobbyists to Federal Boards and Commissions” Director, Committee Management Secretariat
“When FACA is and is Not Applicable to Interactions with the Private Sector,” Helen Maus and Dan Ross
FACA Case Digest [XLSX - 1 MB]: The FACA Digest contains case briefs, summaries, and other relevant research information on more than 200 federal cases, OLC opinions, and other decisions on FACA issues since 1974. Using the pull-down menus and the search box, you can search the spreadsheet to find relevant materials.