| Bellingham Federal Building July 12, 2013: Official building photos of Bellingham Federal Building |
 | Bothell FDA Building July 10, 2013: Official building photos of Bothell FDA building |
 | Colville Federal Building July 08, 2013: Official building photos of Colville Federal Building |
 | Curlew U.S. Border Station July 06, 2013: Official building photos of Curlew U.S. Border Station |
| Danville U.S. Border Station July 04, 2013: Official building photos of Danville U.S. Border Station |
 | Federal Center South June 28, 2013: GSA’s Northwest/Arctic Region celebrates the dedication of the Federal Center South building in Seattle. |
 | Federal Center South (Historic) June 26, 2013: Official building photos of historic Federal Center South |
 | Jackson Federal Building June 24, 2013: Official building photos of Jackson Federal Building |
 | Kenneth Ward (Lynden) U. S. Border Station June 22, 2013: Official building photos of Kenneth Ward (Lynden) U. S. Border Station. |
 | Laurier U.S. Border Station June 20, 2013: Official building photos of Laurier U.S. Border Station. |
 | Metaline Falls U.S. Border Station June 18, 2013: Official building photos of Metaline Falls U.S. Border Station |
 | National Archives and Records Administration June 16, 2013: Official building photos of National Archives and Records Administration |
 | Oroville U.S. Border Station June 14, 2013: Official building photos of Oroville U.S. Border Station |
 | Peace Arch Land Port of Entry June 12, 2013: Photos of the Peace Arch Land Port of Entry in Blaine, Washington |
 | Port Angeles Federal Building June 10, 2013: Official building photos of Port Angeles Federal Building |
 | Port Roberts U.S. Border Station June 08, 2013: Official building photos of Port Roberts U.S. Border Station |
 | Richland Federal Building June 06, 2013: Official building photos of Richland Federal Building |
 | Seattle U.S. Courthouse June 04, 2013: Official building photos of Seattle U.S. Courthouse (1 of 4) |
 | Seattle U.S. Courthouse 2 June 03, 2013: Official building photos of Seattle U.S. Court House (2 of 4) |
 | Seattle U.S. Courthouse June 02, 2013: Official building photos of Seattle U.S. Courthouse (3 of 4) |
 | Seattle U.S. Courthouse May 30, 2013: Official building photo of Seattle U.S. Courthouse (4 of 4) |
 | Seattle Federal Office Building May 28, 2013: Official building photos of Seattle’s Federal Office Building |
 | Seattle William Kenzo Nakamura U.S. Courthouse May 26, 2013: Official building photos of William Kenzo Nakamura U.S. Courthouse |
 | Social Security Administration May 25, 2013: Building photos of the Social Security building in Auburn, Washington |
 | Spokane Post Office May 24, 2013: Official building photos of Spokane Post Office (1 of 2) |
 | Spokane Post Office May 22, 2013: Official building photos of Spokane Post Office (2 of 2) |
 | Spokane U.S. Court House May 20, 2013: Official building photos of Spokane U.S. Court House |
 | Sumas U.S. Border Station May 18, 2013: Official building photos of Sumas U.S. Border Station |
 | Tacoma U.S. Court House (Union Station) May 16, 2013: Official building photos of Tacoma U.S. Court House (Union Station) |
 | Vancouver Federal Building May 12, 2013: Official building photos of Vancouver Federal Building |
 | Yakima Federal Building May 10, 2013: Official building photos of Yakima Federal Building |
 | Wenatchee Federal Building April 14, 2013: Official building photos of Wenatchee Federal Building |