Pacific Rim Press Releases

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This is archived information. It may contain outdated contact names, telephone numbers, Web links, or other information. For up-to-date information visit pages by topic or contact our Office of Public Affairs at For a list of public affairs officers by beat, visit the GSA Newsroom.

Date News Release Article
12/07/2017 Federal Agencies Celebrate Groundbreaking for U.S. Courthouse in Saipan
09/24/2017 GSA to Reopen Southbound Vehicle Lanes at San Ysidro Port of Entry 12 Hours Ahead of Schedule
09/24/2017 La GSA reabrirá el tráfico vehicular con dirección sur en la Garita de San Ysidro 12 horas antes de lo previsto
08/28/2017 Nightly Closure of Three Northbound Exit Lanes at San Ysidro Port Begins Sept 12
07/25/2017 GSA Awards New Lease for U.S. Courthouse in Saipan
05/23/2017 President Trump's Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Proposes Investments in Infrastructure, Security and Government Efficiency
05/23/2017 GSA to Sell Alan Bible Federal Building via Online Auction
05/15/2017 Northbound Pedestrian Processing to Relocate to Temporary Facility at San Ysidro Land Port of Entry
05/15/2017 El cruce de peatones en dirección norte será trasladado a un nuevo recinto temporal dentro de la Garita de San Ysidro
05/11/2017 Reapertura de carril vehicular en dirección sur en la Garita Centro en Calexico
05/11/2017 Southbound Vehicle Lanes Reopen at Calexico West Port of Entry
03/29/2017 Se anuncia apertura de carril vehicular en dirección al sur
03/29/2017 GSA to Open Additional Southbound Vehicle Lane at Calexico West Port of Entry
03/14/2017 GSA awards contract for new pedestrian building annex at San Luis I Port of Entry
01/04/2017 La GSA anuncia el cierre temporal de dos carriles en dirección sur en la Garita Centro en Calexico
01/04/2017 GSA Announces Temporary Closure of Two Southbound Lanes at Calexico West Land Port of Entry