Pacific Rim Press Releases

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This is archived information. It may contain outdated contact names, telephone numbers, Web links, or other information. For up-to-date information visit pages by topic or contact our Office of Public Affairs at For a list of public affairs officers by beat, visit the GSA Newsroom.

Date News Release Article
10/29/2020 La GSA Repavimentará los Carriles de Tráfico Vehicular en el Puerto de Entrada Terrestre Calexico Este
10/29/2020 GSA Set To Repave Vehicle Traffic Lanes at Calexico East Land Port of Entry
10/08/2020 GSA to Sell Former Coast Guard Concord Villages Housing via Online Auction
09/08/2020 Se Cerrará Temporalmente el Centro de Tránsito de Otay Mesa por extensión del puente peatonal
09/08/2020 Pedestrian Bridge Extension Work Temporarily Closes Otay Mesa Transit Center
08/06/2020 GSA, CBP Temporarily Reroute Southbound Vehicle Traffic at Calexico West Land Port of Entry
08/03/2020 GSA y CBP desviarán temporalmente el tráfico vehicular en la garita de entrada Calexico Oeste
08/03/2020 GSA Doubles Pedestrian Crossing Capacity at Tecate Land Port of Entry
07/27/2020 GSA and U.S. District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands Open New Federal Courthouse
07/02/2020 GSA anuncia cierres nocturnos de carriles en Camino de la Plaza
07/02/2020 GSA Announces Overnight Lane Closures on Camino de la Plaza
06/08/2020 GSA y CBP dan inicio a la Fase 2A de Construcción en el Puerto de Entrada Terrestre de Calexico Oeste
06/08/2020 GSA, CBP Start Phase 2A Construction at Calexico West Land Port of Entry
05/26/2020 GSA y CBP Anuncian el Inicio del Proyecto de Expansión del Puerto de Otay Mesa
05/26/2020 GSA, CBP Announce Start of Otay Mesa Port Expansion Project
02/10/2020 President Trump's 2021 Budget Invests in Nation's Real Property, Shared Service Technologies
01/17/2020 GSA Announces Front Street Closure at Federal Plaza for 21-month Construction Project
01/15/2020 GSA to Conduct Public Auction of 1.67 Acre Seaside, CA Property - Opening Bid $300K