GSA Blog

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  • GSA Spotlights Public Service Recognition Week 2016

    | Denise Turner Roth, GSA Administrator
    Today marks the start of Public Service Recognition Week, a moment we reserve to applaud the commitment of all who devote their talents to their fellow citizens. ...
  • GSA ReverseAuctions Open Market Changes Mean Even More Savings To Customers And Taxpayers

    | Erv Koehler, FAS Regional Commissioner, GSA Region 4
    From day one, GSA ReverseAuctions has been a fantastic innovation for GSA’s customers. Now, a change means the government-run reverse auction tool is even more cost effective to federal, state and loc...
  • Earth Day Hackathon Helps the Government Go Green

    | David Shive, Chief Information Officer
    Since taking office, President Obama has made creating a more sustainable federal government one of his most important priorities. As the government’s leading supplier of utilities, buildings, vehicle...
  • GSA's Energy Saving Projects Save Taxpayers Money

    | Sylvia L. Hernandez, Greater Southwest Regional Administrator
    Today, during our Earth Day celebration, I had the pleasure of accepting an energy rebate check for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) in the amount of $12,645.  The rebate was for a GSA’s energy saving project to replace over 200 standard...
  • GSA Acts on Climate

    | Jed Ela, Sustainability Advisor, Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings
    In June 2015, President Obama issued an Executive Order to cut the federal government’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40 percent. Since 2008, GSA has supported the President’s efforts by cutting t...
  • GSA Headquarters Celebrates Earth Day

    | GSA Blog Team
    Editor’s Note: As steward to over 1500 Federal buildings — including many irreplaceable historic buildings in low-lying and other at-risk areas — the U.S. General Services Administration is sensitive to the threat of climate change. Fortunately, as the...
  • Discover Cost-Effective, Sustainable Solutions with SFTool

    | GSA Blog Team
    Going green saves green, but it’s not always easy. Human nature steers us to products and solutions that have served us well in the past, but these may not include the latest and greatest sustainability solutions. The Sustainable Facilities Tool was...
  • GSA Quenches Thirst For Knowledge

    | Sally Mayberry, Regional Public Affairs Officer
    Editor’s Note: As steward to over 1500 Federal buildings — including many irreplaceable historic buildings in low-lying and other at-risk areas
  • Green Proving Ground: Smart Temperature Control Optimizes Comfort and Saves Energy

    | Kevin Powell, Green Proving Ground Program Director
    The U.S. General Services Administration’s (GSA) Green Proving Ground (GPG) program leverages GSA’s real estate portfolio to test innovative building technologies that save energy and provide recommendations on their deployment. The program helps GSA...
  • Courts, GSA Collaborate to Improve Service, Cut Costs

    | GSA Blog Team
    Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally posted on the United States Court page here....