School support
Educational institutions can take advantage of several purchasing and donation programs to support their everyday and disaster recovery needs.
- Cooperative Purchasing and Disaster Purchasing
- Computers for Learning
- Personal Surplus Property Donation Program
Through GSA’s Safer Schools initiative, state and local governments – including public schools and institutions of higher education – can also purchase safety and security-related products and services through specific GSA Schedules.
Eligible School Communities
Local elementary, middle and high schools operated by public school boards; charter school programs that are chartered and operated by local school authorities and provide free public education; public or non-profit nationally accredited or recognized colleges and universities that provide at least a two year program that offers a degree or offers credit toward such a degree.
**Private and parochial schools with bounded nonsectarian programs are eligible for the surplus property program, only.
State and local governments, including schools, that want to use the Federal Supply Schedules are responsible for ensuring that only authorized representatives place orders against these Schedules.