FedRooms.com status
In compliance with governmentwide policy for official government websites, GSA will no longer support fedrooms.com as a contractor-provided website that provides information and a booking capability to federal travelers. The FedRooms program is not going away and should still be used for official government travel.
Existing reservations
Any existing reservations made on FedRooms.com will be honored. To modify or cancel an existing reservation, please contact your hotel directly.
Moving forward
FedRooms rates will continue to be available for official duty travel via the government’s booking tools (ConcurGov, E2 Solutions, the Defense Travel System) or by calling your travel management company and asking for the FedRooms rate. There is no plan to replace FedRooms.com at this time but we will be publishing updates here on this web page.
You may also contact Jennifer Miller the FedRooms Program Manager at jennifer.miller@gsa.gov
FedRooms provides Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) compliant hotel accommodations at or below per diem with standardized amenities. The program is available to all U.S. government and military personnel. In 2024, there are over 10,900 FedRooms properties available in over 3,000 markets.
Feel confident about sustainable travel options and find a FedRooms property with an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station. You can find more information in your online travel booking tool, or download our FedRooms properties with EV charging [XLSX - 677 KB] spreadsheet.
Best In Class (BIC)
FedRooms is a designated Best In Class (BIC) solution per the Office of Management and Budget. BIC solutions are rigorously vetted, well-managed governmentwide solutions that help governmentwide efforts in optimizing spend under management. Agencies should utilize FedRooms when booking lodging for official duty travel to take advantage of the benefits and protections, which include:
- Rates at or below per diem.
- No early departure fees.
- No minimum stay requirements.
- Unparalleled flexibility with 4:00 p.m. day of arrival cancellation policy for domestic stays and 24-hours prior to arrival cancellation policy for international.
- Earn loyalty points at your favorite hotel.
- Policy compliant hotels that are ADA compliant and FEMA certified within the US and US territories.
- No additional fees (e.g. resort, booking, urban destination, etc.).
Booking the FedRooms rate
FedRooms rates are available through the preferred government booking channels: ConcurGov and E2 Solutions, the Defense Booking Tools, or your agency’s travel management company. Choose a FedRooms rate in your agency’s online booking tool, or ask your travel management company specifically for the FedRooms rate to receive the program’s benefits.
Federal civilian and military travelers on official government travel for 1 to 29 nights are eligible to use FedRooms properties. If you’d like to check if you are eligible to use FedRooms, please refer to the GSA Eligibility Determination webpage for more information.
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