Effective Oct. 1, 2022 | Updated Dec. 17
To request changes or suggest new entries, email digitalteam@gsa.gov.
In accordance with 2140A.2 OSC Management of GSA’s Digital Presence, OSC is responsible for:
- Managing the agency’s primary internet, intranet, and mobile portals.
- Developing agency strategy, standards, policies, procedures, and guidelines applicable to web content and the presentation of that content.
- Ensuring equivalent access to information for people with disabilities by enforcing conformance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.
The scope includes all GSA websites, internal and external, hosted on .gov domains and accessible via a web browser — except those which would be classified as a hybrid or external site using the definitions provided in the Guidelines for GSA’s Digital Presence.
Use this guidance to ensure consistency in the GSA experience for any products you intend to post online.
Associated Press Stylebook
We use Associated Press style. Please consult AP Stylebook for all entries not covered in this guide.
How to get access
Our subscription allows 50 GSA users at a time to access it. Other users cannot use our subscription or access content behind the paywall without a subscription.
To use AP Stylebook Online, follow these steps:
- You must be on the GSA network.
- Type apstylebook.com/gsa into your address bar.
- Search your term.
- Follow the guidance.
- Email styleguide@gsa.gov if you need help.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
For spelling, style, and usage questions not covered in the stylebook, consult the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, available through our AP Stylebook subscription or Merriam-Webster.com.
This change from the Webster’s New World College Dictionary was effective May 29, 2024.
U.S. Web Design System
Use USWDS principles, guidance, and code to structure content and build human-centered websites.
Section 508 Accessibility
Information on creating accessible information and digital products can be found at Section508.gov — a product of the GSA Government-wide IT Accessibility Program. Get more help from the GSA IT Section 508 Program.
Microsoft Style Guide
Use Microsoft Style Guide for technology terms.