Visiting or Working in Federal Buildings
The federal community in the greater Washington, DC area counts on GSA to provide world class work space and services. GSA's National Capital Region is the proud steward of some of the most beautiful and historic buildings in the nation's capital.
Federal agency tenants with questions or requiring services should contact the GSA Service Center responsible for their agency. GSA has five Service Delivery Teams in the National Capital Region to serve customer's real estate and workspace needs.
Visitors to Federal Buildings
In general, federal building hours of operation are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Visitors to agencies within a federal building should check with that agency for its respective business hours. Generally, visitors must have a valid picture ID and are required to submit to a security screening process to gain entrance to the building.
GSA manages approximately 688 buildings in Washington, DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia, including seventy historic buildings and six national landmarks. These 184 federally-owned buildings comprise 41 million rentable square feet (RSF), while 504 leased buildings comprise 55.4 million RSF managed by GSA.
Working in Federal Buildings
Federal agencies can depend on GSA to provide a full scope of realty services including space planning, space programming, and design services; construction management services; and advisory services to develop the best housing solutions for their work space needs.
Looking for convention, meeting and event space? It is available in many GSA-managed federal buildings (availability may be limited due to several factors).
For any facility-related questions, concerns or requests, please contact the appropriate NCR Representative, listed in the NCR Directory of Services.