General terms and conditions, or GT&C
What is our estimated date for rent in G-Invoicing?
We estimate that rent in G-Invoicing will go live in April 2025. We plan to phase in customers based on trading partner readiness. Prior to initiating rent orders in G-Invoicing, each customer must sign the GT&C with us for rent.
Do customers need to turn on the Constructive Order Acceptance feature in G-Invoicing prior to creating the GT&C?
Yes, you must turn on the Constructive Order Acceptance feature in G-Invoicing for us to create the GT&C.
How do we start the GT&C for rent?
You can start now by emailing to begin the process. We will coordinate with you and notify you to go into G-Invoicing to provide your customer information such as group name and your agency location code, or ALC. We will cite our legal authorities for all rent GT&Cs that establish the purpose and authority per 40 U.S.C. § 586(b).
How will rent orders be associated with the GT&C?
We maintain the ALC for each customer’s Agency Bureau Code. Each occupancy agreement is associated with an Agency Bureau Code. In G-Invoicing, every rent order must be associated with a GT&C that includes the specific ALC and group name for the Agency Bureau Code.
Every order will include details like occupancy agreement number, location, bureau, ALC, Treasury Account Symbols, and line of accounting. Separate GT&Cs do not need to be established to differentiate these elements in your rent payments.
Can a GT&C have multiple Agency Location Codes?
Yes. See details in the answer above.
How many rent GT&Cs do I need to sign?
For rent, we prefer to sign one GT&C with each customer agency. However, if you require more than one GT&C for any individual ALC, you will need to provide us with a list of Agency Bureau Codes to associate to each GT&C. This may be necessary for agencies with varying signatory authorities across ALCs, or where you need to differentiate the group name across orders.
Our rent orders will cite only the parent group name on all orders. You may have any number of subordinate groups assigned, as needed.
What is the benefit of using a subordinate group?
It allows the subordinate group to view all the orders of the parent group. However, our rent orders will cite only the parent group name on all orders. Subgroups can be added to a GT&C with an administrative change. It does not have to be signed again.
What period of performance, or POP, is used for the GT&Cs?
We prefer to sign a 10-year GT&C with customers. The GT&C period of performance is independent of the term on individual occupancy agreements.
Does my entire agency have to transition to G-Invoicing at the same time?
No. We will transition agencies to G-Invoicing at a bureau level. All occupancy agreements for a bureau must transition to G-Invoicing together. We will not phase in by occupancy agreements, geographical location, or otherwise split transactions within a bureau.
If customers have multiple bureaus with the same ALC, they do not need to move to G-Invoicing simultaneously. Individual bureaus can transition to G-Invoicing, while other bureaus may not be ready. Rent will continue under the current Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection, or IPAC, process until we activate the bureau for use in G-Invoicing.
Rent orders
How many lines and schedules will each order have in G-Invoicing?
There is one order, one line, and one schedule per occupancy agreement per month.
Are rent orders FOB source or destination?
Rent orders are FOB source.
What does the monthly rent processing entail?
Rent follows a seller-facilitated workflow. We upload all rent orders into G-Invoicing. On the 16th of the month, we upload one G-Invoicing order for each occupancy agreement.
Then there will be a seven calendar-day pause, during which customers can accept the order, reject the order, or take no action.
On the 24th, for orders not rejected, the status will automatically change to open for performance. We submit performance and then settlement occurs immediately.
If there is an issue with an order, email
For rent orders rejected during the seven-day pause, we work with you to resolve the issues and re-submit the order. If a rejection is not resolved by month end, we will submit the order the following month and the Constructive Order Acceptance time period of the seven-day pause restarts. Where applicable, agencies may need to record expense accruals
Can I change my TAS/TSYM or LOA after the order is submitted into G-Invoicing?
Prior to performance, during the seven calendar-day pause, you may change your TAS/TSYM or line of accounting, LOA, on an individual order. We use this updated information on subsequent monthly orders for that occupancy agreement.
For TAS/TSYM or LOA changes that apply to your entire bureau, including fiscal year updates, we continue to process those updates prior to generating the monthly orders. Any bureau level changes requested after the 15th of the month are implemented in the following month’s orders.
How is rent data mapped to the G-Invoicing order?
Order authorization
G-Invoicing field | FIDs description | GSA mapping description | GSA mapping example |
Order tracking number | Servicing agency order number | Occupancy agreement number | ADC00020 |
Address identifier | Ship to address 1 | Building name from the occupancy agreement | GSA headquarters |
Address 1 | Ship to address 2 | Line address of the building location from the occupancy agreement | 1800 F St NW |
City | Ship to city | City of the building location from the occupancy agreement | Washington |
Postal code | Ship to postal code | ZIP code of the building location from the occupancy agreement | 20405 |
State | Ship to state | State code of the building location from the occupancy agreement | District of Columbia |
Country | Ship to country code | Country code of the building location from the occupancy agreement | US |
Unit of measure | Reimbursable line costs unit of measure | US Dollars | DO |
Unit cost | Order schedule unit price | Set to $1.00 | $1.00 |
Quantity | Order schedule quantity | Used to record the dollar amount of Rent due | 5382.75 |
Additional accounting classification | Details additional accounting information used by the agencies for internal tracking | Customer fund source (optional information such as line of accounting provided by the customer or MIPR number) | 107000507669.254G.001 2039095.S.0047436.11 |
How will Treasury Account Symbols, TAS and TSYM, be applied to orders?
We maintain TAS information at a bureau level to facilitate rent orders in G-Invoicing, including for new occupancy agreements. We will continue to request updates for fiscal year changes to TAS numbers.
During the seven calendar-day pause, you may change the TAS on an order prior to performance. We use this updated TAS on subsequent month orders.
If performance has already occurred and the TAS needs to be corrected, contact us at to determine if we may be able to assist.
Where are rent bill details found?
Access Rent on the Web, or ROW, for billing detail information. New users can request access to ROW with this form or by email at
Similar to IPAC, the G-Invoicing order will have a single total amount.
Order adjustments
How will you process order adjustments or modifications?
If a rent adjustment is for a month prior to April 2025 (or prior to when your agency is live in G-Invoicing for rent orders) we must send the adjustment via IPAC. You should ensure you are able to continue to use IPAC for these adjustments.
If a rent adjustment is for April 2025 and later, for a month in which a G-Invoicing order was generated, we modify the pertinent month’s rent order. We send the modified order and the constructive order acceptance window applies.
Current month adjustments are included in the current month order, netting out with the total monthly rent amount. Detailed information about prior or current month adjustments are provided in the current month’s bill in ROW.
Who do I contact if the order amount is incorrect?
If there is an issue with an order, reach out to your PBS contact listed on the ROW bill instead of rejecting the order. The order cannot be credited if it is in a rejected state.
Other questions
How will rent billing work under a continuing resolution?
Normal G-Invoicing rent processing occurs, and we upload orders on the 16th of the month. We continue to post notices on ROW concerning rent performance and billing status.
Do you intend to support multiple TAS on a line item?
We only allow one TAS per order for a single occupancy agreement at go live. We hope to support multiple TAS in the future.