Directives for Office of the Chief Financial Officer

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Number Title Date Outdated
1000.1A ADM GSA Organizational Performance Management 12/13/2023 12/31/2026
1080.1 CFO Order of Succession – Office of the Chief Financial Officer 05/20/2021 05/20/2028
2030.2D ADM P Internal Audit Follow-up HB 03/02/2010 08/31/2025
2170.1B CFO Performance Measurement and Data Verification and Validation Procedures 10/24/2023 10/31/2026
4200.2C ADM GSA System for the Administrative Control of Funds 01/08/2020 01/08/2027
4200.4A CFO CHGE 1 Deadline for Potential Claims Review and Validation 09/29/2017 09/29/2025
4200.5 CFO Use of Award ID in GSA Financial System, PEGASYS 06/02/2016 06/02/2030
4210.2A CFO General Services Administration (GSA) Policy on Worksheet Adjustments 06/28/2018 06/27/2025
4220.1R ADM Operations in the Absence of Appropriations 11/07/2023 11/30/2026
4251.4C CFO Budget Administration Handbook 05/18/2021 05/18/2028
4252.1C CFO Accounts Payable Policy Manual 08/07/2017 08/31/2025
4253.1C CFO CHGE 1 Accounts Receivable and Debt Collection Policy Manual 08/21/2020 08/21/2027
4260.1 CFO Chief Financial Officer Manual Volume 1 06/10/2015 05/31/2025
4260.2A CFO Chief Financial Officer Manual Volume 2 03/05/2020 03/05/2027
4260.3 CFO Chief Financial Officer Manual Volume 3 05/23/2019 05/23/2026
4260.4 CFO Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Manual Volume 4, Accounting Policies and Procedures for the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) 05/27/2022 05/27/2029
5400.41C ADM Agency Internal Control Program 05/14/2018 05/14/2025
5420.101I ADM Management Control Oversight Council 09/13/2017 09/30/2025
6200.3B ADM (Revalidated) Claims for Loss of or Damage to Personal Property Incident to GSA Service 02/12/2002 01/31/2025
CFO IL-19-01 General Services Administration (GSA) Implementation of Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standard (SFFAS) 49, Public-Private Partnerships 05/28/2019 05/31/2025
CFO-IL-24-01 GSA Implementation of Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standard (SFFAS) 59, Accounting and Reporting of Government Land 02/07/2024 02/28/2027
IL-24-02 CFO Personal Property Capitalization Threshold Increase 11/26/2024 11/30/2025