DFC Building 41

General Information
One Denver Federal Center
Building 41
Denver, CO 80225
Current Tenants
General Services Administration, Bureau of Indian Affairs, United States Geological Survey, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Veteran’s Affairs, Office of Natural Resource Reclamation, National Park Service, Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Transportation, and more.
Building 41 was originally constructed in 1941 to function as a munitions plant, making it one of the oldest here on the Denver Federal Center. Today, the two-story, red brick building has been updated to serve the federal government with office, warehouse, and other types of space comprising nearly 500,000 square feet.
Flexible Workspace
Building 41 has seen a remarkable transformation to a workspace that offers a flexible and mobile work environment to foster employee freedom and collaboration. Within the second floor, there are many examples of shared spaces and meeting rooms for all employees to utilize. In addition to GSA, the space is shared by OSMRE and is soon to be joined by other federal agencies. The wireless network in the building allows associates to work from anywhere.
Tours of the office are offered to interested groups upon request.
Vacant Space
Agencies interested in leasing federal space in Building 41 should contact the DFC realty specialist.
Maintenance Issues
To report building maintenance issues, please contact the Rocky Mountain Call Center.
- 332 parking spaces
- DFC joint-use conference rooms
- Einstein Bagels
- Vendor table events
- Loading dock
- Freight elevator
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