Pacific Rim Press Releases

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This is archived information. It may contain outdated contact names, telephone numbers, Web links, or other information. For up-to-date information visit pages by topic or contact our Office of Public Affairs at For a list of public affairs officers by beat, visit the GSA Newsroom.

Date News Release Article
12/14/2021 GSA opens newly remodeled plaza at the San Francisco Federal Building
12/02/2021 Potential Delays for Southbound Vehicles at the Calexico West Land Port of Entry
12/02/2021 Posibles demoras para vehículos cruzando en dirección sur en la garita de Calexico Centro
11/09/2021 GSA Ribbon-Cutting Event Opens Retail Stores at Five U.S. Navy Installations
10/27/2021 GSA Accepts Donation of Transportation-Related Infrastructure at the Calexico East Land Port of Entry
10/27/2021 La GSA acepta la donación incondicional de infraestructuras relacionadas con el transporte en el puerto de entrada terrestre de Calexico Este
10/14/2021 ReImagining the Ziggurat: GSA seeks community input in advance of the sale of federal property in Laguna Niguel, CA
09/08/2021 GSA Expands Retail Presence at Five U.S. Navy Installations
08/30/2021 La expansión del nuevo puente peatonal en la garita de Otay Mesa abriráel 5 de septiembre
08/30/2021 Otay Mesa Port of Entry’s New Pedestrian Bridge Extension Opens Sept 5
08/26/2021 GSA Announces Temporary Closure of Front Street at Federal Plaza
07/28/2021 Calexico West Port of Entry Southbound Roadway to Mexico Shifts July 30 Due to Construction
07/28/2021 La carretera en dirección sur hacia México en la Garita de Calexico West se desviará ligeramente el 30 de julio debido a las obras de construcción
06/22/2021 GSA to auction excess federal property in Orange County
06/21/2021 GSA Announces Reopening of Front Street to Vehicle Traffic
05/25/2021 GSA prepositions high-demand supplies to support DoD mission